Chapter 2: A new face!

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This sudden announcement got everyone silent. There hadn't been a big change since Cross had to miss a few days.

Of course, only the gang knew it was because of "The Chara incident."

Needless to say, everyone's interest was peaked. Judging by the fact cross was whispering under his breath, Chara was also curious.

The teacher was intimidated to say the least.

The small class of Thirteen were quieter than they'd ever been.

Nightmare scanned the crowd. In the front were the Stars; Ink, Dream, and Blue. Their friend Outer sat with Blue. Behind them, Sci set next to Lust. They were an interesting pair, but Lust's Social skills and Sci's brains made them an excellent pair. Next to them sat Fell and Error; they always seemed to either be best buds or worst enemies. It was a unique form of friendship, that's for sure.

Behind them started the group of tables the gang sat at. Horror sat next to Dust. It wasn't surprising, as the two seemed close.

Cross sat next to Killer, and at any moment it seemed he was going to give in and punch the other. Of course, the last desk in the last row was Nightmare's and his alone.

He absolutely despised sharing his space, unless necessary.

The fact that this whole group, including Killer, was silent told him everything he needed to know.

Of course, he could feel both the disgusting excitement and the more tolerable anxiety about whatever this could be.

The teacher nervously cleared her throat, and gestured to the door.

The door opened, and everyone sat on the edge of their chairs.

A young skeleton walked in, and boy was she different.

Dressed in a pink kimono with blue floral patterns, she certainly had her own style.

It was impossible to determine her height, as she wore heeled white boots, barely visible under the long skirt of her outfit.

That was by far not the strangest thing;

while she may have had normal eye lights and structure, she had, well, hair.

It wasn't exactly hair; it was more of a light that took the shape of hair.

(Similar to Bree by artzii_child on insta)

It was wavy, down to her back. It was split evenly in half; the left side being a light blue and the right side being a light rose pink.

She looked like cotton candy.

Disgusting. Honestly, she could fit in perfectly with Dream and his dumb group of friends.

She didn't emit any emotion really, just a faint positive feeling. It wasn't enough to make him feel sick or for Dream to feel much stronger.

It was peculiar, but he shrugged it off as nothing but her being too emotionally overwhelmed to feel much. The class erupted into yells and excitement.

Cross turned and stared at Nightmare.

"Night, she's not alone."

Nightmare tilted his head, indicating he didn't understand.

"Both me and Chara see them. The new kid has some sort of spirit talking to her."

Nightmare nodded and turned his attention back to the new girl. She was clearly more than she initially seemed; nobody but Cross had anyone or thing haunting them.

The teacher finally calmed everyone down once again.

Nervously, she turned to the new girl.

"H-how about... you introduce yourself?"

She smiled softly and nodded.

Turning to the class she bowed slightly.

"Hello everyone. My name is Dawn, and I'll be joining your class as of today. I hope you won't mind having me."

Everyone went wild. It was true, a new classmate! This was exciting, and unheard of!

Nightmare groaned. This girl better know not to mess with him.

The teacher trembled slightly with the next thing she was saying.

"As for seating... well, Dawn will sit... in the only free seat.."

She glanced up nervously at Nightmare.

"Beside Nightmare."

Nightmare's imaginary blood went cold.


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