Chapter 2

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After jumping through a lot of buildings, he finally reached the tower. He jumped to the roof top where it leads him to hiruzen's office. When he reached the window of his office, he slowly opened it and went inside without alerting anyone.

Naruto slowly snuck behind hiruzen who were giggling perversely while reading his favourite book echa echa paradise. He slowly went behind hiruzen and took a peak through his shoulder. What he saw made him blush and couldn't help but actually understand what the content was about.

He then grew a foxy grin and decided to humiliate the hokage. "Uh, i knew it! You really are a pervert aren't you gigi. I mean look at you, reading this smut. It's no wonder why you always get unconscious whenever I use my (Oiroke no jutsu, sexy jutsu) on you."

Hiruzen suddenly choked at his own spit when he heard a familiar voice from his back. He then slowly moved his head robotically to his shoulder and nearly had a heart attack at seeing a grinning naruto.

"N-naruto, w-what are you d-doing here my boy?" He asked with a shaky voice.

When naruto saw his expression, he couldn't help but smirk and decided to tease him more.

"I was feeling bored at home so i decided to visit you and wanted to spend some time with you. But seeing you very busy with your smut, i decided to paint the hokage monument instead and write in your face how big of a pervert you are."

Hiruzen immediately paled at realizing how it will destroy his reputation as the hokage. He blushed and quickly grabbed his arm before he could leave and started to beg to not draw anything like that on his face. "Naruto, i beg please don't do anything like that and please don't tell this to anyone. I will do anything, please."

Naruto then acted to think and thought very hard which made hiruzen sweat in nervousness.

After a while, naruto gave hiruzen a foxy grin and nodded. "Alright gigi, i will keep it a secret but in one condition."

Hiruzen sighed and chuckled at knowing what kind of condition would it be. "Let me guess, ramen?" He said with a chuckle.

Naruto just stared at him with wide eyes. "wuo, old man you know me too well." He said with a grin. Hiruzen gave him a grin of his own. "Then who are we waiting for, lets go." When he said that, naruto immediately started to drag hiruzen to his favourite restaurant: Ichiraku ramen stand.

After walking for a while, they finally reached the ramen stand and took a seat. Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia at not only the smell of his favorite ramen but also seeing teuchi and ayame. He couldn't help but drop a small tear of happiness. He was so happy that he didn't notice he was unintentionally shedding a stream of tears from his eyes.

Hiruzen and the others saw his tears and couldn't help but feel concerned for the blond. "Naruto, what happened? Why are you crying?" Ayame asked from the top of the counter.

When naruto realized that he was shedding tears, he quickly wiped it and gave teuchi a fake glare. "Old man, did you cut some onions by any chance. Because it's literally burning my eyes."

Teuchi slowly looked at the kitchen and chuckled nervously. "Um, maybe?" He said while nervously rubbed the back of his head.

Hiruzen and ayame just looked at each other before bursting out into laughter. When they finally recovered from their laughter, hiruzen and naruto ordered their respective ramen and waited in silence until naruto broke the silence. "Gigi, can i ask you a favor?" He asked with a tinge of hope in his voice. To his relief, hiruzen nodded and asked what he wanted. "Of course my boy, what do you want?" He asked with his grandfatherly tone on his voice.

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