"Kiara threw the board in John B after he won" said Pope.

"Yeah cause he was cheating" I said.

"I wasn't cheating" John B defended himself.

"You moved your character when no one was looking from seven to ten so you wouldn't risk getting in jail" I snapped.

"It was on ten already" John B argued.

"It was not on ten" I said before taking a deep breath and turning towards Pope. "And I'm not the one who's reading all the rules whenever someone makes a slightly wrong move"

"The rules are important" Pope said.

"Reading them once is enough, you don't need to read them so many times and you always tell them complicated so no one would get it and you'll win"

"I don't do that" Pope argued back.

"Yes you do" said JJ.

"Yea that's true" Sarah added.

"Well what about when Kiara" Pope started but Cleo interrupted them.

"Alright alright no Monopoly" Cleo said. "We will find another game"

"Still, Kiara is too competitive for any kind of game" JJ said, knowing that this would get a reaction out of me.

And even if I knew that the asshole was only trying to piss me off I couldn't not argue back.

"I am not competitive" I said.

"See? She's trying to win this argument now" JJ said.

"Alright we will figure out a game to play later" Cleo said, stopping them.

After a while, the silence took over us again as well as the heat that was inside the containers.

Suddenly I felt JJ's hand resting on my knee in a way I knew it meant that he was willing to make peace after our small argument from earlier. I put her hand over his, interfering our fingers together and letting my head fall on his shoulder.

We stayed tangled up in each other until we finally arrived in Charleston.

On the way to the place where we were supposed to change the gold in money, I noticed that some stores were Christmas decorated.

That's when it hit me.

It was the end of November and soon everyone was going to start decorating their houses and buying presents.

Every year on Christmas, my parents and I would decorate the house together, making cookies and watching Christmas movies.

On Christmas we'd wake up and start the day with opening the presents together then I'd help my parents get ready and cook all kind of dishes and appetizers for when my family was gonna come.

Every year around eight, after I gave and opened my presents again with my whole family I'd take some leftovers then sneak out and go see JJ to have our traditional picnic on the beach before we'd go see all of the pogues.

In between//JiaraWhere stories live. Discover now