She dashed over there before the teacher could follow her.

Trixie walks into the room to see both Alex and Cole fighting. As it continues, Trixie chooses to do the most logical thing.

To scream.

Everything stops as everyone turns to look at the girl like she's crazy.

The teacher then walked in as he heard Trixie's scream.

"Thank you, Trixie. You boys. To the office, now," The teacher yelled at them.

Trixie turned around to also see her sister Jackie. She could tell she was disappointed. Her arms were crossed.

TRIXIE WENT TO HER CLASS with a sour face. She wanted to go to the office as well but the teacher wouldn't allow her to.

She spent the rest of the day in slow motion.

She was doing fine until Issac and Lee both texted her that Nathan fainted and was in the Hospital.

The girl called Santos and had him take her to the hospital

She arrived and sat in between Lee and Issac as they waited for Nathan to wake up.

LATER ON, Trixie had gone to the Romeo & Juliet auditions with Issac. He had said he wanted to try out and Trixie's never been in anything but ironically Annie in her elementary school play and wanted to try theatre again.

Trixie's monologue was from the musical Newsies. She had chosen the scene where Jack had decided to go on a strike.

She honestly didn't know what her monologue should be and chose randomly.

They were both done when Erin came in and Danny was not too far behind.

They did their monologue. And Danny's sounded awfully like Issac's, or at least she thinks it's Issac's...

THE NEXT DAY, Trixie got a text from Danny about the part she got like she had asked him to. She had gotten Lady Capulet. He also told her that Issac got Romeo.

She knew that disappointed him. He also said that he had gotten Capulet while Erin got Juliet.

Trixie felt a sense of pride learning that considering Erin had stood up to her mom so she could do something new. She had also texted Danny that she'd deal with the twirp.

She had walked into the living room with a stern face. "Issac 'the stealer' Garcia. Tell me why you stole Danny's monologue and managed to get the lead role?"

"I got Romeo? Damn, Danny must be pissed."

"No, I'm pissed! I'm going to fucking strangle you," The girl shouts as she rushes over to him. He takes the hint as Alex and Lee try to stop her.

Lee manages to grab her waist but Trixie escapes due to Lee's weak grip. She ran after Issac into the kitchen.

They're on either side of the island as Trixie narrows her eyes at him.

The sound of the door unlocking causes Issac to become momentarily distracted.

Trixie takes it as her chance as she charges at him and knocks him on his ass.

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