Chapter 1: The Princess.

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Age 6

"Seraphina! Honestly where is that girl!" Sophia the head maid of the castle as well as the nanny of the young mischievous princess asked exhausted.

Sophia sighed tired of the young girls antics, running her hand through her urban locks in frustration. It wasn't the the first time the young princess would run away from the other maids, non the less she was as mischievous a fox if you dare look away even for a moment she some how cause some sort of trouble.

"Seraphina! Come out I know you are here!" the urban hair maid groaned pulling the wardrobe causing the giggles within to turn into a yelp as the little form fell out. "Ow!!" Seraphina groan sitting up on her little knees before dusting off the bright blue dress she wore.

"I leave you with Melda in the kitchen for one minute and you run away the next!" the elderly elf scolded placing her arms on her hips glaring down at the raven silver hair girl. Seraphina scoffed folding her arms infort of her dress glaring up Sophia with her emrald eyes. "Melda is boring! She doesn't do anything interesting!" the young princess whined, earning her a sigh.

Sophia ran a hand over her face as she couldn't understand why Seraphina always had to be so complicated. "Look Seraphina everyone has they're place. Sometimes it's not alway the most intriguing or interesting place princess." Sophia began to speak earning her a sigh from the little princess before she finished off the elderly woman's sentence "But even the smallest change can disrupt a balance." the princess go finished.

Present time
(Seraphina pov)

"Seraphina! Are you paying attention?" Rayand asked placing his book harshly down on my desk causing a loud thump, surprised I shot up right as I rub my eyes. "Yes?" I sighed knowing there's a lecture to follow.

"Princess, you must pay attention the history of Eldoria is a important factor a ruler must have especially one of Kallastair." Rayand argued his honey brown eyes meeting mine. I sighed as I nodded my head knowing he was right. Rullers needed to be ready for any and all. Yet knowing so much about the past does bore me to an extent to want to sleep.

" I know, I'm sorry it's just you know I'm no good with thees things.." i sighed in all honesty. Yes because a next in line ruler of the main kingdom in all of Eldoria has to be prepared and ready and I'm definitely not, not even in the slight. The other princess and prince's I've met are the very reflections of they're mothers and father's like some sort of sculpture.

Yet I'm not like them but I don't understand why. Unlike most princess who are interested in fancy jewelry and marriage, I find my interest in studying magic in our world and how it works not the less, how our body's are able to bend and use it. "Are you at least ready for the ball tonight?" Rayand asked with a smirk.

I glared at him before I spoke "How could I ever be ready for such a boring social event." i say rolling my eyes. Rayand chuckled at me before sitting down in the chair on the opposite side of the table. "Not any ball Seraphina, today is the festival of Celeste the celebration on the day the war of Colosilis ended." He said crossing his arms, dammit why does he always have to be so smart, just like Sophia.

I mentally grimaced at the tought that for them being husband and wife how they're personality don't collide with how similar they are. Personality wise of course. "Yes I know, I do not need to be reminded of that every to seconds." I huffed thinking how I have to speak with every cocky prince and spoiled princess tonight. Don't mistake all the kingdom getting along means the people like one another, usual one race always has something rude to say about the other. Not to mention some of them can be snobs about it that's for sure.

"Oh come now Seraph it's not so bad" Rayand said rolling his eyes as he stood up from his chair running his fingers through his wood brown hair. "I have to help you're father with some preparation. Stay out of trouble and don't give Sophia a hard time." He said with a groan causing me to smirk and raise a eyebrow at him.

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