The Devil Hunter and His Servant

Start from the beginning

Rin nodded as she left with her servant, Archer. You looked back towards Saber, and offered a small smile.

"So... uh, yeah. Let's head back to my office." You said.

"I will follow you. Lead the way, Master." She replied.

You still aren't used to be called master. You're going to need to have a talk with her about that after this...


You and Saber arrived at the Devil May Cry office. She was curious of the places brand. As you both entered, there's a cold pepperoni pizza on your counter. Too late.

"Aw man. I guess I could re-heat it in the microwave." You said to yourself basically.

Saber seems reserved as she entered the office. It was a cozy, yet not well kept place. She didn't mind though.

As you grabbed the pizza box and stuffed it in the microwave in the kitchen, she walked up behind you.

"Master, if I may ask. Why is the sign on the front writes as: Devil May Cry?" Saber asked you politely.

"Huh? Oh that's just my brand basically. I kill demons for a living. Oh and you can stop with the master talk, just call me Y/N." You replied as you waited for the pizza to finish re-heating.

"I see... so you are somewhat of a hero yourself, Y/N." She commented.

"If that's your assumption of me, sure." You replied.

At the same time, your pizza is finished re-heating. You brought it up to the front counter, open the boc up and took a slice before indulging it.

However as you eat, you noticed Saber kept staring at you, and at the food.

"You... want some?" You asked, handing her a slice.

She grabbed it and glanced at you. Then she proceeded to take a bite of the pizza. Her eyes immediately lights up as she taste the godlike food known as pizza. (With no olives, ofcourse.)

"This is amazing!" She said before finishing the slice in no time.

"You never had pizza before? You've been missing out." You said with a smirk.

"No... the foods in my time were just meats, bread and vegetables." She said.

You handed her the rest of the slices in the box. She enthusiastically accepts.

"That sounds depressing." You commented.

But as you and Saber were getting to know eachother, your office phone rang. Saber looked over to it curiously, as you sighed before picking up the phone.

"Devil May Cry." You spoke into the thing. "Oh?... really now?.... okay, okay. How much are we talking here?... alright, I'll take you up on that." You hung up, and turned to Saber.

"Alright, I got a demon huntin' gig. The pay is massive, so I'll be able to afford the bills. Stay here, I'll be back." You said as you got up to leave through the door.

Saber However, didn't like the idea of you her master, going on a dangerous mission alone. So she finished up the slice of pizza she was eating, and catches up to you.

"Y/N, it is my duty to protect and aid you in battle. I'll be coming with you." She said with a solemn look om her face.

"Aren't you just suppose to help me with the war?" You asked.

"No, my duty does not stop at just the war." She replied.

Before she says more to convince you, you sighed and raised both hands in resignation.

The Devil Master (Fate/Stay Night x Male Dante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now