The Legendary Devil Hunter

Start from the beginning

"Better keep an eye on them..." You thought to yourself.

You don't want another Vergil situation. As in world ending event. So you got up and followed them secretly.


As you sat ontop of a building rooftop, you looked down on the two people you tailed.

You are pretty far away from them, but thankfully your hearing is not failling you.

"Are you sure he isn't a master?" The black haired girl asked.

"Yes. Atleast not currently. I'm not sure if my intuition is correct, but I have a feeling that the demon hunter has come from some sort of mage heritage." The copycat answered.

Mage? You were not a mage. Sure, your father was THE Sparda. However he is no mage.... or, could it be your mother? No, she was a normal human. So there is no way you had come from a family of mages.

But you had no way to be sure of your mother's heritage. Since you've never known about your mother's side of the family.

Now the question is, what is their agenda? You don't have enough evidence to outright confront them. But then again, you didn't care. You would just beat them up and force the answer out of them.

Satisfied with your decision, you were about to jump below another person came in and attacked the two before you could.

The said person was blue haired, with blue overalls and a red spear.

"Alright... now this is getting good." You said to yourself.

Down below, they both battle eachother. You could see that the copycat utilizes two short blades, though you're pretty sure that it isn't his specialty. The girl however, was just watching while keeping a good amount of distance. That gave you enough information to know that she's no threat.

Before the blue haired guy and the copycat guy could clash their weapons once more, two bullets came soaring through the air and knocked their weapons out of their hands.

They looked at the source of the shooting, and it was you, wielding Ebony & Ivory. You jumped down, did a front flip mid-air and landed on the ground stylishly.

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" The blue haired asked, while he grabbed his spear that was on the ground.

"You again... guess you aren't a normal guy after all." The copycat said.

You rests Ebony on your shoulder while keeping Ivory at your side.

"Hm? Not pleased to see me? I just want to know what's going on here." You said nonchalantly with a visible smirk on your face.

"It's none of your business." The copycat said firmly.

"Actually, I made it my business, so get to talking." You replied snarkily.

"How about I just kill you right here?!" The blue haired guy said as he charged forward with his spear towards you.

You nonchalantly dodged his attacks all the while having fun, dancing along his rythm of attacks.

You cancelled some of his attacks with some shoots from Ebony & Ivory, as the blue haired guy is getting frustrated at this point.

He swipes his spear towards you, however you swayed your back to dodge it. You then shoots his spear, forcing it to fly out of his hands.

You jumped ontop of his head and kicked his face in, causing him to be knocked back a few feet and conveniently landed next to his spear.

"I see that you're not an ordinary guy..." The blue haired man said while wiping off the blood on dripping from his lips.

The Devil Master (Fate/Stay Night x Male Dante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now