|Rɪɴɢs Exᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇᴅ|

Start from the beginning

I had the big white bandage rotated around my head, for two days after I had a good bungee jump from the stairs. But gloriously, it was minor cut, which bled...way too much I guess. And hemophobic poor me, passed out the amount of blood flowing outta my head. And a good sprain on my left ankle was complimentary. 

Mumma's words still echo in my ears which she told me after I woke up into my bed the next morning.

He was so guilty, and blamed himself for the accident. He was sitting by your side the whole night, in case you woke up and needed something. We pleaded him to rest, but he just won't go. He was so worried for you. You are so lucky have him in your life beta. Cherish him always.

I exhaled a deep breath. My mind and my heart was working in dual way. He cared for me, did he? I didn't want to believe him, but can't, she was dead on when I woke with a throbbing pain in my head, and he was sitting beside me on the floor, and both his warm palms gripping my hand, securely. 

But as much as mumma's words gets me into thinking, even his words before leaving won't stop haunting me.

It was just minor cut which bled quite too much. Even your injuries have the tendency to overreact, approximating to you.

What was this man? Each time I try to know him more, I fail to do so and fall into a bigger cage of uncertainty. He was not a man, but a human maze, the more deeper you go into it, the more and more disoriented you get.

What are you Avyaansh? Which is the real you? The one who sat by my side the whole to care for me, the one who comforted me while I was overwhelmed or the one who never leaves a chance to catcall me or question me over my character, my intentions? I exhaled a deep breath, calming down after having no answer to my questions. 

'Slowly, Meera.', I hissed as Meera pulled my leg harshly and got a sheepish smile in return. 

She pushed up my saree a bit revealing my milky white ankles. I held the saree into my hands for it to not flow down, aggravating her while doing my first aid. She shook the Volini spay bottle in her hands. I pressed my lids tightly, scrunched my toes and let out a small hiss as the cool liquid peppered onto my wound. Ahh! What a bad burning sensation. 

Se blew small airs on my wound, and carefully secured my ankle with the doctor bandage. I let go out my saree, which flew down freely, till my ankles. I held Meera's hand and stood up onto my feet, conscientiously. I slowly put my injured foot onto the ground, and soon as the pressure rose into the feet, I stumbled slight, and was caught by Meera, immediately. 

'You okay?', she asked worriedly.

'Yeah yeah, don't worry. The pain is much less than what it was yesterday. Don't worry I am good.', I assured her and she slowly freed her hands from mine. 

I slowly took few steps, initially it was quite painful, but felt better later. It's been five days and still I am not able to walk properly was all due to my over protective brothers. They won't let me put a foot down in their presence, I would be into their arms always.

Even today, they have promised me to carry me over their shoulder to Avyaansh. I tried denying, but my brother are my brothers. They always had the habit of over pampering me. I might try to stop them, but deep inside my heart, I feel blessed to have Krish bhai and Nikunj bhai as my brothers. 

Always, I pray to my Kanha, to not give brothers like them to anyone in the universe. Ok I know that was rude, but maybe I am a bit selfish here. They are special and I don't want to share them with anyone, ever. They are exclusively for me, and just me. 

'Radhu, why are you walking? Your foot's still not healed. Come sit here. sit.', Krish bhai, barged into the room, followed by Nikunj bhai. They immediately grabbed me into their arms and pushed me into the bed. 

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