Be Your Reason - AJ Styles

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Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I finished warming up in the serenity of my locker room and prepared to make my way towards the ring. My mind was filled with nothing but anticipation and excitement from the noise of the crowd the echoed throughout the backstage area. For a smaller live event like this one, the crowd really knew how to make theirselves known.

The event was in one of the bigger cities near YN's hometown, which gave her the home-field advantage. I couldn't help but be excited for her because of that. I knew she was going to kill it out there even though I didn't get to see it. But little did I know, nothing about her match went as planned.

Stepping out of my locker room and was about to make my way down to the ring, Stephanie stopped me with a concerned look on her face. "Hey AJ," she greeted, her tone full of worry.

"Hey Steph, what's going on?"

"Something's wrong with YNN," she said. "She went out and about a minute later ran straight back to her locker room without a word. The poor girl didn't even make it out to the ring." The brunette woman in front of me explain and I couldn't stop the immediate worry that had started to flow through my mind. "Could you go check on her? She's not opening up to anyone else."

I nodded at her question almost instantly. "Yeah, no problem." Without another word, I ran off in the direction of her locker room, my match with Reigns far forgotten. As I neared closer to the door, I desperately hoped that I would find her safe and sound within the room. I didn't know what happened but whatever it was, it had to be bad to make her ditch her match with Alexa.

When I opened the door, I found YN huddled in the far corner with a stream of tears falling down her face. I walked over to her with concern written on my face. "YNN, are you okay? What happened?"

Her trembling lip quivered as she struggled to form any words. Whatever happened out there had shook her up pretty badly. Finally, after a few moments, her words broke through their barrier, revealing just how much pain she was going through mentally. "I couldn't do it. Dad and Blake were out there, and I just panicked."

I was confused at the mention of her family being there. You would think that would have been something she wanted. "You freaked because they are here?" She nodded at my question and finally looked up at me.

The YHC haired girl hesitated for a moment like she didn't want to tell me. "They both have been so violent towards me every time I've gone home the past few months that I couldn't tell you what bruises are from matches and which ones are from them anymore." Her confession hit me like a ton of bricks but not like what she would say next. "AJ, it's gotten to the point that I don't go home anymore. I'm scared of what they might do. I've been holding on by a thread and don't know how I keep going because without their support, I don't have a reason to do so."

My heart was now shattered after hearing just how bad her home life had gotten. I never knew about any of this. Never knew about the pain she was hiding behind the mask. No one did, I imagined.

Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, I looked deep into her eyes. "YNN, you may not realize it, but you are stronger than most people, even me." I said, keeping must tone soft and gentle. "You have so many people here, that you work with, that care about you. We're here for you and to support you, whether it be in your career or your personal life. You're not alone in this or anything else for that matter. Let us be your reason to hold on -- your reason to stay strong and find your way to your happiness."

"How are so sure that I'm strong enough for that? I wasn't even strong enough to fend Daddy and Blake off when they attacked me." She questioned as she raked her nails down her face.

I instinctively took her hands in mine, pulling them away from her face so she couldn't do it again. "Baby girl, I've seen just how strong you can be, in the ring and out. There's nothing you can't do when you put your mind to it." I said and held her hand up to my mouth, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. "This is just a bump in the road that you'll get over even if you need a little help."

"And you'll help?" YN asked; her voice filled with a mix of hope and unsureness.

"Most definitely." I answered without a second thought. "Me, Stephanie, Becky, Seth, and so many more. You can count on us, no matter what."

A moment of silence fell between us, but within that moment the tears stopped falling down her face. It was as if she had realized I wasn't going to let her travel this road alone anymore. It was then that I made my solemn vow.

Gently wiping the reminiscence of the fallen tears from her face, I said, "From this moment on, I promise to be your reason why. Your reason to keep pushing forward. YN, you mean the world to me, and I won't ever let you go through the darkness alone."

She nodded, a piece of her YHC lair falling into her face, which I was quick to move back behind her ear. "I can't go home. I won't go home."

I shook my head, my eyes never leaving hers. "You don't have to, sweetheart. Come stay with me."

YNN's expression looked to be unsure of my words. "Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden on you."

"If I wasn't sure I wouldn't had said it, baby girl." I said and squeezed her hand. "I got you."

YN nodded once more and gave me a sad smile. "Thank you, AJ."

From that day forward, YNN knew she had a reason to keep going when she thought she didn't. She knew there was at least one person who loved her unconditionally, no matter what she went through. That person was and always will be me.

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