Hurt - Shawn Michaels

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In the world of WWE, Shawn Michaels and YN YLN were more than just colleagues; they were the best of friends. Their camaraderie was legendary backstage, where they'd often share stories, jokes, and the occasional friendly competition. However, life on the road had its toll, and their paths hadn't crossed in a while.

As the cheers of the crowd resonated through the arena, Shawn Michaels stepped into the ring to face his eternal rival, the Undertaker. The match was intense, each move executed with precision, and the audience was on the edge of their seats. But as fate would have it, a risky maneuver left Shawn clutching his back in pain. The match continued, but the damage was done.

Meanwhile, Triple H watched from the sidelines, his concern growing with every painful expression on Shawn's face. As the match concluded, Triple H rushed to the locker room, his heart heavy with worry. He knew there was only one person who could bring solace to Shawn in times like this—YN YLN.

Triple H burst into YN's locker room, his voice slightly frantic. "YN, you need to know. Shawn's hurt, really hurt."

YN's eyes widened with shock, her concern mirroring Triple H's urgency. "What? How bad is it?"

Triple H took a deep breath, his voice softening as he spoke. "He took quite a beating from the Undertaker. He's hurt, but I know he'd feel better if you were there."

YN's heart raced as memories of their shared moments flooded her mind. Without a second thought, she hurriedly got up, her determination shining in her eyes. "I'm coming."

She followed Triple H to Shawn's locker room, where he was nursing his injuries. The pain was evident on his face, but his eyes lit up when he saw YN standing there. A mix of surprise and relief washed over him.

"YN," Shawn whispered, his voice strained. "I didn't expect..."

YN approached him with a gentle smile, her presence calming the room. "I heard what happened. Are you okay?"

Shawn managed a weak chuckle. "I'll live, thanks to you guys watching my back."

Triple H nodded in agreement. "He's right. We're a team, always looking out for each other."

YN's gaze never left Shawn's. "You scared me, you know. You can't just go getting hurt like this."

Shawn grinned, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Sorry to cause a fuss."

YN's expression softened. "Just promise me you'll take it easy and let yourself heal."

Shawn reached out and gently squeezed YN's hand. "I promise."

With a determined look, YN offered her support. "Alright, big guy, time for me to take care of you. Let's get you home and on the mend."

Triple H helped Shawn to his feet, and together they made their way to YN's car. The journey to Shawn's place was filled with lighthearted banter and reminiscing about their adventures together. Despite the pain he was in, Shawn couldn't help but smile at the familiarity and warmth of their friendship.

Once they arrived at Shawn's home, YN carefully guided him inside, making sure he was as comfortable as possible. She prepared a cozy space on the couch with pillows and blankets, ensuring he had everything he needed within reach.

"Here's the remote, some water, and I'll grab some painkillers," YN said, moving around the living room with an air of practiced care.

Shawn chuckled softly. "Feels like old times, you taking care of me."

YN handed him the painkillers with a playful roll of her eyes. "Don't get used to it. You're lucky this time."

Over the next few days, YN became Shawn's steadfast companion. She cooked his favorite meals, made sure he took his medication, and provided a listening ear whenever he needed to vent about the frustrations of being sidelined. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, a mix of laughter, reminiscing, and supportive words.

As Shawn's injuries slowly improved, YN also found creative ways to keep him entertained without pushing his body too hard. They watched classic wrestling matches, played video games, and even attempted to recreate some of their favorite wrestling moves (with Shawn's movements limited, of course).

One evening, as the sun set outside, casting a warm glow in the room, Shawn looked at YN with gratitude in his eyes. "You've made this recovery feel a lot less lonely."

YN smiled back, her gaze soft. "That's what friends are for, Shawn. I could never stop caring."

Weeks went by, and Shawn's injuries began to heal, thanks in no small part to YN's dedicated care. As he regained his strength, they decided it was time for him to step back into the ring. YN stood by his side, cheering him on from the sidelines during his training sessions.

On the day of his comeback match, Shawn's nerves were palpable. YN, however, exuded confidence. "You've got this. Just remember, I'll be cheering the loudest."

As Shawn's music blared through the arena, he walked out with newfound determination. The match was fierce, but Shawn's spirit was unbreakable. With each move he executed, he could almost feel YN's unwavering support propelling him forward.

After the match, victorious and exhausted, Shawn made his way backstage to find YN waiting for him with a triumphant grin. "See? I told you that you had it in you."

Shawn chuckled, a mix of relief and pride in his eyes. "Couldn't have done it without you, YN."

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