Minorly Sidelined - AJ Styles

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The backstage area of the WWE event was bustling with activity as Superstars prepared for their matches. YN YLN had just finished her match and was now sitting in the medical room, nursing a minor injury. It wasn't anything too serious, but it did inhibit her ability to wrestle at her best.

Word had spread about YN's injury, and one person who had heard about it was AJ Styles. Concerned for his fellow Superstar, he decided to check on her, not realizing the extent of her injury.

AJ walked into the medical room, his brows furrowing with worry as he saw YN sitting on one of the examination tables. "YN, I heard about your injury. How bad is it?"

YN looked up, surprised to see AJ but appreciating the concern in his eyes. "Hey, AJ. It's not too bad, just a minor sprain. Nothing that won't heal with a bit of rest."

AJ let out a sigh of relief, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Oh, thank goodness. I was worried it was something serious. You had everyone talking."

YN chuckled softly. "Well, you know how rumors can be backstage. But I appreciate you checking on me."

AJ pulled up a chair and sat down beside her. "Of course, YN. You're a valued member of this roster, and we all care about each other's well-being."

She nodded, touched by his words. "Thanks, AJ. It means a lot."

AJ leaned in a bit closer, his voice low and comforting. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We're all here to support each other."

YN smiled gratefully. "I'll remember that. Thanks for being such a good friend, AJ."

He patted her shoulder gently. "Anytime, YN. Now, get some rest and heal up. We'll be waiting for you to get back in that ring."

As AJ stood to leave, YN couldn't help but feel grateful for the camaraderie that existed among the WWE Superstars. In a world filled with intense competition, it was moments like these that reminded her that they were also a close-knit family, always there to support each other through the highs and lows of their careers.

A few days passed, and YN had been diligent about her recovery. She was making progress, but she still wasn't back to her full wrestling capabilities. It was frustrating, but she knew that rest and patience were the keys to a full recovery.

One afternoon, while she was in the medical room for a check-up, AJ Styles walked in once again. His concern for her was unwavering, and he wanted to see how she was doing.

YN smiled as she saw him enter. "Hey, AJ. Thanks for checking up on me again."

AJ returned her smile, genuine care in his eyes. "No problem, YN. How are you feeling?"

She sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Honestly, AJ, I'm getting a bit restless. I miss being in the ring, and this injury is taking longer to heal than I'd like."

AJ leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "I get it. It can be tough to be sidelined like this. But remember, taking the time to heal properly is the best thing you can do for yourself."

YN nodded, appreciating his wisdom. "You're right, AJ. I just have to be patient."

He walked closer to her, his tone gentle. "And you're not alone in this, YN. We're all here for you, cheering you on every step of the way."

YN's heart warmed at his words. "Thank you, AJ. I'm lucky to have friends like you."

AJ grinned. "We're the lucky ones to have you as part of this locker room."

As they chatted, YN couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. With friends like AJ Styles by her side, she knew that she would not only recover from her injury but also come back stronger than ever.

As AJ left the medical room, YN watched him go, grateful for the support and friendship she had found in the WWE. She was ready to face the rest of her recovery with a positive mindset, knowing that she had friends who cared about her well-being both inside and outside the ring. 

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