Chapter 11: The Woman that Triggers Heather

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Before we start at chapter 11, let's take a turn back when I said the word "photo" instead of portrait or painting (last chapter/chap 10) I forgot that back then no such thing as a photo existed. Pardon me, let me just re-create it a bit.


I quickly examined the drawing and realized that it wasn't me.. it was somebody else that looked like me. She was standing next to Hiccup with her big beautiful smile while putting an ice crown on his head, ice? I took the drawing and looked at it closer, there was the woman who looked like me. Big blue eyes, fair skin, rosy cheeks, pink lips and platinum blonde that was braided like mine. Who is this woman?

Bewildered I looked at her closer and I didn't even realize that someone came in, fortunately it was just Heather. "Snooping as soon as you get a chance to eh?" She says and snatches the drawing from my hand. I looked at her with annoyed eyes and rolled them as well.

"I didn't. I just happened to have caught a glimpse of the drawing and I thought she was me." I say my eyes still darting back at her eyes attached to mine.

"Well she's not you so don't even dream." she says with an eye roll and put the drawing back only she put them back at the bedside table but with the drawing facing the wooden planks of the table.

"Hiccup likes her doesn't he?" I might've came up with the stupidest conclusion but what else would it be? I'm not that stupid not to see it when it's literally happening right in front of me.

"You are so affected by the photo because Hiccup likes her and not you. The reason why you're so against me and so is Merida it is because Hiccup, the one you like didn't feel the same way instead loved another who looked like me." She stopped at her tracks and stiffly listen. I turned around to face her but her face was too coward so her back came to the rescue.

"You don't know anything so shut up-!"

"You're wrong! I don't know much but I know some things and it's that Hiccup take good care of me because he sees that woman in me! Just like what Jack said.. Hiccup sees her in me" I say and she turns backs around with red eyes ready to kill.

"No! Hiccup won't love you! History won't repeat again! Especially not with you!" she slowly approached me with every word coming out of her mouth but I didn't dare back away or feel intimidated, she's nothing.

"Why do you love him that much? He's nothing!" I screamed at her face

"You're wrong! He might be nothing to you but to me he's everything! Everything I've ever wanted and wished for! Why do you always take everything away from me?! I knew you said you'd be back but do you really have to be back so soon!?" she gripped onto me tightly and looked at me with teary red eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say back to her a little confused.

"Liar! You said you would be back but can't you do it once he's reincarnated into someone else?! All I want is for him to be mine even if it's just for this lifetime!"

"I couldn't have been reincarnated into that woman because I'm the same age as her!" I screamed at Heather who immediately stopped sobbing and instead fell and crashed down the ground as she laughed like a maniac.

"You're right.. Hiccup doesn't want you at all. You're not Els! You are not her and you will never be her! She won't be able to come back, never!" she screamed loud while muting her ears with her hands that gripped at her thick braided hair.

I just stood there as the scene unfolds. Who is this Els and why is Heather going crazy? It seems like she's traumatized or its something that triggers her inner part that makes her act insane. I didn't know what I should do, should I run and comfort her? After all she still was kind to me even if it's just a short time.

(Talking about when she was beaten up by Jack)

With a reluctant sigh I came and embraced her tightly while she fought back crying and sobbing. She was waving her hands all around the air and it hit most of the wounds and scratches on my arms that it made me feel pain too. "It's okay.. calm down Heather..."

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