Chapter 9: Almost Escaped

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As I dazed around the room filled with hundreds of keys I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Which key belonged to which door?

Bewildered I took a step closer and examined the keys and boxes. First I looked through the first batch of keys which were all bronze. They looked dirty and dusty. Each key had a label that says which door they unlock, thank goodness

As I scrambled through the keys and found the label Astrid's Cell, wow.. they do see me as a prisoner. Could be worse. I took the key and placed it in between my skirt and jeans. I them moved on to the storage. I could find some useful things like a weapon or a tool that could protect me or help me escape.

Going through multiple boxex with nothing but woods and metal left me panting with rage. I briefly breathe before getting up. I was about to leave when I noticed a rectangular box with unique carvings and was neatly placed on a shelf. The way they carved the box was smooth and look so clean. I couldn't help but trace my finger along its curves up to the padlock that I didn't notice till now.

I took the padlock to examine its color gold design. It wasn't as heavy so I thought it isn't a solid gold. Anyway, I hurriedly searched for the key and as I scrambled through hundreds of keys a gold key caught my eye. I quickly took the key and unlocked the padlock, I was astonished by the item inside. It was my axe! Neatly placed on the box with red pillow inside.. my axe looks so majestic inside that box. How did I know it's mine? It has my carvings A&H. I took my axe a little sad that I had to leave the gorgeous box. As I was about to open the door someone did it for me, a guard.

"How is this not locked?" He asked himself and scrambled through his keys. I quietly sneaked up on him and knocked him out and took his batch of keys. I sprung through the hallway all the way to the main gate. Examining the door I found that there is a hand print that you push, so I try to place my hand but for some reason its size seem to be limited to one person only. As if it wasn't obvious who, where's dear Hiccup?

I was about to leave and run around looking for him but destiny brought him to me. He landed with his Night Fury and took out that fire sword of his but before he could even look at me I sprint to him and took his hand and placed it on the hand print and added force so it could be pushed and when it was, it opened. I quickly ran out with my axe. I ran through the soft itchy grass as I felt the fresh air coming. I smiled with happiness as I was finally free!

That didn't live long as the dragon riders came coming to ruin my escape, geez "Hey Astrid!" Heather yells

"I don't want to see you anymore! You're all so boring!!" I screamed in response and ran fast, I was badly hurt and could barely run the way I used to.. my knee hurts and with all this running it's triggering the pain more but I couldn't stop now. But my luck seems to be running out because Hiccup quickly catched up to me and pinned me to the ground. He then stabbed his sword on the ground near me and was about to lit it up when he looks at me struggling to escape while probably cursing him.

He stifly looks at me and reached out to hold my face and startled by his actions I couldn't react quickly. He traced his fingers to my bruises and wounds "Who did this to you?" He asked. He looks back at his team before looking back at me. He carried me in a bridal style and placed me on his dragon who was scoffing and frowning.

"I know your owner sucks" I mumbled at his dragon which growled lowly showing its agreement. Hiccup looks at us and I felt his grip ok my waist tighten as he chuckled

"Seems like the both of you like each other already" he comments

"All because we're calling you out" I replied in a whisper. He rides his dragon and pulls me closer. He whispered to my ear softly as I felt his hot breath by my earlobe

"We'll treat you after this before deciding your punishment" He says before leaving without saying anything to his team.

"He's so mad" I heard Heather sigh before we left the ground

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