Chapter 3: Outside Again

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"Morning Sunshine!" Punzie greeted with a big smile. She went over to my window. The big one, it let's me escape so they locked it. She opened the curtains of that window, the sunlight wasn't even enough to light up the whole room.

"C'mon" she motioned for me to come forward. I got out of bed after letting out a long yawn. She then unlock the window and opened it. I was still processing thing when she said

"We're going out! Get ready" she then left the room and left my breakfast. I sat down my bed still in shock. I move closer to the window thinking of an escape when I saw tons of Dragons flying. I sure won't live if I try to escape.

I ate my breakfast peacefully while I admired the scenery infront of me. It's sure been some time seeing the sun and grass along with the sky. Will this just be for today? Are they testing me?

Whether it's for an apology because they finally realized just how much stupid a person will be if they find me, a viking who barely sees any light from the sky planned such a thing.

A few minutes passed by and Punzie came to pick me up along with a unfamiliar face. "Are you ready to go?" She ask

"Why do you suddenly want to bring me outside? Won't it cause you so much problem if I escape?" I asked, she smiled

"Well, you're right. We've realized just how much stupid it would be if we blame you when you clearly haven't been able to leave your room these past few days" she explains.

"Hiccup will be the one accompanying you through your whole day out so if you ever try, he's got the speed to catch up to you in no time" she answered. My face dropped, Hiccup will be accompanying me? I saw the unfamiliar girl smirk.

"A-hole" I mumbled under my breath. None of them seemed to have heard it because they moved forward with ease.

I got ready. I must first learn about the was out of this place. I need backup plans and stuff like those, just incase. "Astrid, are you ready?" asked Punzie when she barged into my room

"I'll tell you right now. She will do no good. Don't blame me once we lose a sight of her. She's very creative" Heather commented

I gave her a smile before saying "Thank you." I considered her words a compliment and wasn't affected by it at all. She scoffed in response and walked off. If she hated me I hate her more. Punzie 'helped' me walk around guiding me to the right path. Eventually we got there and I saw Hiccup and everyone else waiting for the both of us along with their dragons.

"Astrid, shall we go?" Hiccup lend out his hand

I was hesitant. His Night Fury wouldn't dare hurt me for sure but it's still unsafe. Even so, I grabbed his soft hands and walked over to the completely calm night fury and Hiccup placed me on top of his night fury and we flew off. Finally, the wind was screaming at me but I didn't mind. I was finally seeing the world again.

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