PART 9: A long talk

Start from the beginning

"Come in!"

The door stood still for a minute, then a jiggle can be heard as the doorknob twisted around and the door slowly creacked open with a loud groan. Marie's brown eyes widen as she saw somebody peaked through the gap with a nervous smile on their face, their lips pressed into a thin line as they held the door open for their slender long figure to peak into the room and gaze into her eyes. The brunettes eyes fell down and she averted her gaze from said person, suddenly feeling quite down again.

"May I come in your highness?"

Marie nodded slowly as she twisted herself to face the window again with a cloudy look on her face, now suddenly interested in the morning sky again as she let out a huff unintentionally. She heard the door closed shut behind her, which made her small frame tensed up at being alone with the person in the room as said person strode to her direction with their soft light steps. She heard her bed behind her creaking slightly, figuring that he had invited himself to sit on her bed by himself and a clank echoing through her room, shattering the silence and tensed atmosphere as suddenly the smell of food filled through her lungs.

"I made breakfast for everyone. Figuring that you wouldn't come out from your bedroom any moment- I decided to bring up your breakfast to you myself, my dear." Chris chripped in a happy tone, his yellow eyes boring holes into the back of Marie as he smiled softly at her, trying to hide the fact that he was a tad bit nervous being alone in someone else room, especially in a woman's room. He cleared his throat as his eyes averted to the tray of food which was sitting neatly on his lap and a genuine smile rose its way up to his lips.

"Pancakes and a slice of strawberry cake - just for you my dear!" He chripped, knowing that this will cheer up her already sour mood.

At this, Marie's frame stiffen even more as her eyes widen, sparkles in her eyes as she suddenly felt hungry yet again. She rose up from her seat and made her way slowly to Chris, her gaze landing on the tray of food on his lap as she tried her best to avoid his gaze. She sat beside him with a unreadable face but took the tray of food and immediately started gulping down the food to her throat, not caring about her manners and how messy she could be at the moment.
Chris eyes brighten as he saw her enjoying his food and he chuckled, figuring that she was hungry all this while. He watched as Marie stiffen yet again, suddenly realizing that someone else was in her room with her.

"Sorry." She sheepishly looked up at Chris. Now that she looked at him, he wasn't in his usual attire, which got her curious. He was wearing a brown vest, a plain white button up shirt with collar with their sleeves rolled up until his elbows, black lose trousers and white stocking while his gloves still remained on his hands. His hair was tied up into a messy pony tail and he was wearing his usual monocle on his right eye. For the first time, she felt nice seeing him without his usual elegant attire and her eyes meet with Chris bright yellow eyes -filled with life and happiness, which made a smile to slowly make its way up her gloomy face. He looked, more causal and comfortable, which made her feel the same aswell. Chris beamed at her when he saw the smile on her face and went forward to pinch softly at her cheeks like an elderly person would do to their grandchildren while mumbling and buffering out some words filled with happiness and joy.

"There! That's that smile I wanted to see!" He cooed at her which Marie giggled at him, going to swat his hands away with her other hand still holding the tray of food on her lap while her mouth still full of food.
"Hey! Stop it, I'm trying to eat here!"

Chris shrugged playfully as he let go of her, a giddy smile on his face while he rolled up his eyes in fake annoyance. Marie giggled again as she stuffed some more food inside of her mouth, suddenly forgetting the whole point about Chris being a demon and her already messed up situation she was still in. After what felt like minutes, Marie finally stuffed in the last piece of cake and wiped her greasy hand with a tissue which Chris made it appear out of thin air with a flick of his fingers. She wiped her mouth and her fingers while Chris made the tray to disappear into thin air which slightly shocked her. She smiled up at him, suddenly feeling again nervous after a few seconds.

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