Witches need no blade of any sort to end someone's life; all we need is our incantations to do the trick. Quite often, our methods involved a gruesome torture. Just a single item that our victim considered valuable is what it takes to start the curse, followed by few orations, blah...blah...blah,.... then puff!! Ending the presentation with a rising smoke dramatically fading into thin air, it always ended with a smoke. Like my grandma used to say "put a show that could fool a client that they're actually paying something worth their money".

One would think that everything was a joke, well most of it is; but not everything. We just like to perform and to make our job a little interesting, because over the years of killing and killing, it became so utterly boring. Tormenting poor souls, slowly... and painfully, to the extent that it would drive them mad, stripping away their sanity until nothing's left but death. I admit, it was never fun watching them suffer on a glowing orb, rather it was sickening, until I get used to it.

Based on my grandpa's stories, witches are not the only one who kills for a living. There are also assassins and ninjas who do the same job like us but in their own different ways. He said long ago, we made allies with the assassins and became good business partners. It was successful at first; we made progress with new the alliance. Whenever there's trouble, they got our back and we got theirs. We become stronger and formidable, because of that we ruled. Yeah, ruled.

Unfortunately, it doesn't end well for the witches.

We trusted way too much on our new found friend and never did expected that they would sell us out. Rumors of our secrets spread like a disease, and it pique the interest of many people who wanted it for themselves. We've been hunted and murdered just like how wild animals are slaughtered for their skins and furs. Sooner or later, we became the center of all the bad attention and made a lot of enemies. Alone, we took the blame for all the killings, which triggered mass hysteria everywhere. People were scared. They started calling us names, blaming us for their deaths, accusing us for all the terrible things that happened; plagues and drought and wars.

Due to the large attention we're drawing to ourselves, governments decided to take action and put an end to this entire chaos, thus, putting end on our very existence. They put bounty on our head and hired powerful hunters and even assassins joined to take us down. Our numbers decreased drastically long before we know it, until we had no choice but to hide to the world.

It's sad to live like this.

Trapped. Lonely. Scared.

No knowledge on what's happening beyond our doors, not even a clue what's out there now. The anticipation of seeing the world again had always visited my thoughts every time it gets lonely.

Yes, I've been out there, once.

Though it was not a good memory worth recalling, because the last time I've been out there, I burned a whole village down. I didn't intend it to happen, promise I didn't.

It was three years ago when it happened, but it always felt like it was only yesterday. I was just enjoying a nice and peaceful walk on a village near from home which has been a routine every once a week. After I managed to get my mother's approval by countless times of begging and promises to behave, also with a little help from my sweet grandpa; she was forced to say yes. Though she didn't let me go that easy, of course, few rules must be set, like protecting my identity and concealing a distinctive mark in the back of my palm, which all witches have. For over a month, I've been doing well and honestly I never felt more alive.

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