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"Jiminie, how are you?" An alpha named Taeyong asked. He was Jimin's boss, whom Jimin tended to avoid. Taeyong Kim.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. Is there anything I can help you with this morning?" Jimin asked as he made himself a cup of tea.

"You were the only one who didn't respond to my message last night."

Message? Jimin never got any message.

"I didn't get one."

"Well, I'm taking the company out to dinner tonight and I expect everyone to be there."

"Sorry, I won't be able to make it."

"And why is that? You are expected to show up to at least one company dinner a month and you haven't shown up to any this year."

"I'm really busy, right now. My boyfriend ju——"

"Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, we've been together since our senior year of high school."

"So your boyfriend comes before your job?"

"My family comes before my job, that is correct."

"Jimin, you know I could get you fired over this, right?"

"I'm sure you could."

See, the only people who knew that Jimin was the big boss's son, were people on a higher scale. And those people weren't always at the office."

"Come to the dinner, Jimin. I'm telling, not asking you."

"Of course," Jimin rolled his eyes as Dae walked off.

"How is my favorite worker?" Jimin's father asked coming in not even a few minutes later.

"I'm getting forced to go to a dinner party."

"How's the baby?"

"He's fine, Jeongguk has him with him."

"Truth be told, I never thought I would be a grandfather. I thought it would be an accident from your brother."

"Well, Hajoon is Jeongguk's brother, so I don't know if that counts."

"I'm counting it until I get another one."

Jimin just let out a laugh.

"You can always have another one with mom."

"If I do that, I can't get her to walk around ass naked."

"Gross, I have work to get to, so I'll see you at the party."

"Yeah, I'll see you there."


"Please stop crying, I've fed you and burped you. I even changed your diaper. What more could you want from me?!"


"Fuck me, why isn't Jimin answering his phone," Jeongguk questioned, picking Hajoon up from the crib. He cuddled into Jeongguk's shirt, but clearly, his smell wasn't to his liking.

"What do you want me to do? Do you want some of your toys?"

Jeongguk placed him on some of Jimin's clothes that were laid out on the bed, and went to a small shelf on the wall, grabbing a set of plastic keys. When he turned around, Hajoon was nose-deep in Jimin's shirt, fast asleep.

"I guess we know who's your favorite. "

Jeongguk put the keys back up and lay on the bed himself. Jimin would be home soon, so there was nothing to worry about. He closed his eyes thinking of tomorrow, not realizing that he had fallen asleep. He only knew once he had opened them, feeling something warm wrapped around him.

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