Ch. 9 ~ I Was a Teenage Abomination

Start from the beginning

King began to squirm when he saw Luz he rushed over to his favorite person ever and clung to her leg "Hey King" Luz giggled bending down to pick him up "Ready for some adventure today?"

"He's not gonna like it when he figures out he will be with me for the most of his scenes today" Eda retorted as hair dressers and makeup artists fixed her appearance once again "King will be a good widdle guy" the cuddled up to him Luz eyed him "You better be a good widdle guy" she warned

Luz put King down and  made her way further onto the set, she spotted Gus and Willow engaged in a lively conversation. Despite the lingering weight in her heart, she forced a smile.

"Hey, Luz! Gus and I were just talking about this awesome game we found," Willow said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Gus chimed in, "Yeah, it's a blast. You should join us sometime, Luz."

Luz nodded appreciatively, "Sure, sounds like a plan. I could use a good distraction."

"Okay so you start off as the prince or princess of a troll kingdom and then the kingdom gets attacked your parents die and you get kidnapped by a rival nation and are held there for years the goal of the game is to take over your kingdom again"

Luz lifted her eyebrows with intrigue "this sounds like my kind of game"

"Wait until you see the customization options they're so cute" Willow added

"Luz!" The voice echoed through the set, cutting through the various sounds of preparation. Dana called out for Luz, Eda, and King to gather for their scene.

Luz, Eda, and King quickly assembled near the set, ready to begin filming

"Alright, everyone, we're setting up for the next scene," Dana announced, "In this scene Luz discovers there is a magic school and Eda you are digging for trash King do what we did in our training class and do not bug Luz or Eda just go lay down on your blanket" 

Luz King and Eda readied in their places as Dana shouted "Camera's rolling and action"

"Well, Luz!" Eda exclaimed, elbowing Luz playfully as they stood amidst the surreal set. The towering creation of a trash slug, crafted by the crew, loomed over them. It was a grotesque masterpiece surrounded by piles of trash and muck. "I don't like this" Luz cowered

"Yes, it doesn't get much more inspiring than the trash slug. It makes a home, a life from what others have thrown by the wayside." Eda's voice carried a strange admiration for the grotesque creation. She reached into the trash slug's mouth, pulling out a rubber chicken as if it were a prized possession.

"Until, blam, it gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt." Eda continued her narrative, taking a pickaxe given to her by a crew member in a green body suit. "And then we get to sell the stuff it ate." She seemed to revel in the absurdity of it all, embracing the chaotic charm of the mystical trash slug.

Luz almost believed her act was real Eda's performance was so breath taking. Luz, acting uncomfortable with the prospect, implored, "Please don't make me."

King, unfurling a towel and walking away, Alex cut in, "Aw, come on, Luz. It's not every day you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass."

Eda dismissed them both with a wave of her hand, declaring, "Ah, nuts to you both." She swung the pick at the trash slug, accidentally breaking one of the prop items

As Luz attempted to broach a different topic, the clattering of objects and crashes continued around them. "So, Eda... What if we tried some new lessons for my apprenticeship?" Luz suggested, her voice drowned out by the ongoing commotion.

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