A Mission?

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I had been cleaning my home as today was my day off, I was attacking the living room with a duster desperately trying to get rid of as much dust as I possibly could.

"Man this sucks." I sit down when the last of the dust is cleared from my home. A I kick my feet up and relax before I hear a knock at the door. "I just sat down." I groan getting up and opening the door tensing up as I see an anbu black opps standing just outside.

"Mika Gakuro, as an ANBU member, I have been instructed to inform you and Jiraiya to report to the Hokage's office immediately for a mission. Please make haste and proceed to the office as soon as possible. The details of the mission will be provided to you by the Hokage." With that he disappears.

I close the door and rush upstairs. Throwing on a black undershirt and my army green shorts, I quickly pack a bag and lace up my combat boots putting on my vest as lock my apartment door.

A mission with Jiraiya? What is Tsunade thinking?

I pulled my headband out of my pocket and tied it around my neck. "This will be an interesting mission."

As I arrived to the Hokages office an old man was sitting on the edge of Tsunades desk trying to romance her.

"Ah Mika you've arrived." Tsunade said smiling.

Jiraiya turns around and his eyes widen with surprise, "OH HO HO! Tsunade, I didn't know you would be sending me on a mission with such a wonderful specimen!"

My eye twitched and Tsunade slapped Jiraiya with a scroll she had in her hand. "Mika, Jiraiya. You two are to infiltrate the Village Hidden in the Rain. I've caught wind of the Akatsuki using the surrounding mist to hide themselves, but at the same time we haven't gotten a response from Hanzo in ages. You must be careful. The Hidden Rain Village is not a friendly place. It is constantly shrouded in rain and mist, making it hard to see and sense anything. The villagers are wary of outsiders and may not welcome you. And there may be remnants of other rogue ninjas lurking in the shadows. This is a dangerous mission. You must be prepared for anything."

Jiraiya interrupted, "I should be going alone. No offense to the wonderful young lady, but I think it would be better this way."

I rolled my eyes, "I've had my fair share of the Akatsuki."

Lady Tsunade nods in response.

"Mika I'm sorry to send you out again so soon. However, we need intel gathering skills, seeing as you tailed them for five years undetected, I would like you to accompany Jiraiya on this mission."

I nodded, "I understand, but lady Hokage. I work better alone. This idiot could get us caught." I glare up at the loud oaf.

Jiraiya laughs heartedly, "you're a funny one aren't you."

"I wasn't being funny."

Lady Tsunade grumbled slamming her fist on the table to catch our attention, "Both of you shut up my mind has been made. Be ready by the gates in 30 minutes."

"Yes lady fifth." I bowed and excused myself heading toward the gates.

As I arrive at the gates I see a few familiar faces chatting it up with the village guards. One of the few was Kakashi.

<Kakashi POV>

After finishing an errand for the Hokage I stopped to talk to a few of the ninja stationed at the gates. I had noticed Mika's scent coming up behind me. I turned around to talk with her.

"Going out on a mission I presume?" I met the same icy cold eyes.

She halts briefly, her gaze flickering to my own before fixating back in the road ahead, her face devoid of emotion. "Yes, that's the plan."

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