Enter: Mika Gakuro

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<No POV>

A cloaked person walked into the village gates, carrying a sizable sword with the leaf village symbol etched on its flat. Their attire had a shoulder pad marked with a sun and moon symbol. As they stepped into the village, fellow shinobi immediately recognized the emblem and offered respectful bows. Hushed whispers spread among the villagers who were familiar with the symbol, acknowledging the significance it carried.

The sword gently swayed back and forth as they walked, unbothered by the silent commotion. Making her way down the road, she bumped into a blonde-headed boy.

"Hey lady watch it!'' he directed his words in her direction making the whispering stop along the sidelines.

"Naruto you idiot! Don't you know who that is?!" a pink-haired girl whisper-yelled at the boy.

The hooded figure put a hand on the kid's head patting it before continuing to walk on her way. But not before she caught a glimpse of a familiar lock of white hair.

<Kakashi POV>

Team Seven and I were going to eat after a long training session, I noticed a familiar scent in the air but decided to ignore it.

"Naruto stop goofing off you'll run into someone." my attention was now on the energetic boy walking backward while attempting to flirt with Sakura.

"No worries Kakashi sensei! I'll be fine my senses are so sharp I could walk like this all-" he was cut off when he bumped into a suspicious-looking figure.

I quickly identified the clan emblem on the shoulder, featuring both a moon and a sun. Sakura had cautioned Naruto about the person after he uttered his usual nonsense. She extended her hand towards his head, and I sensed the tension in Sakura's demeanor, though she eventually breathed a sigh of relief, realizing the gesture was harmless. My gaze remained fixed on the figure as it vanished into the assembly of onlookers.

"So she's back in town." my students looked at me each of them holding a confused look and I waved it off.

<Mika POV>

I continued on the road up to the Hokage's office being greeted by the anbu opening the doors for me and bowing curtly. I had opened the door to the room Lady Tsunade was in, she had her eyebrows furrowed and glared at me. "Who might you be?"

I swiftly removed my hood revealing my face, "Who put you in charge?" I smirked as Tsunade looked me up and down now noticing the clans crest on my shoulder.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Mika Gakuro." She folded her hands together. "What brings you back to the Leaf?"

I execute my summoning jutsu, causing scrolls filled with Akatsuki intel to materialize on the desk where she sat. "Mission accomplished," I state. With that, I swing the door open, swiftly leaving the building. Outside, I spot a familiar figure leaning against the wall, casually smoking a cigarette.

"Asuma." I nodded my head and attempted to get away.

"Five years without seeing each other and that's the greeting I get?" Before I knew it I had been lifted into the air, Asuma's arms wrapped around me.

"Asuma let me down this instant!" I flailed my arms around in an attempt to get free.

"Awe come on Mika. You can't just ignore one of your old teammates now can you?"

"I can and I will! Now let me down Asuma!"

He chuckles before setting me down. "you haven't changed a bit, Mika."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I glared at him.

"Oh nothing, say... we're having a get-together later on... Want to join us?"

Emotionless || Kakashi x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang