Team 7

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<Mika POV>

I woke up with a pounding in my head. Processing the events of the night I had, my eyes darted around, realizing I was in the comfort of my own home, I took a sigh of relief. On my bedside table sat a glass of water and an ibuprofen.

Asuma must have brought me home. I laughed to myself taking the pill and downing the glass of water.

I went downstairs to an empty kitchen groaning, knowing that I had to go shopping that day.

I go back upstairs and get dressed in my clan jacket, and a pair of army green shorts, brushing my hair and slipping on my black combat boots.

<Kakashi's POV>

"Naruto. Control your chakra!" I was reading as the two of my students sparred beneath the tree I was perched on.

"Yeah yeah, I know!" the blonde retorted back.

"If you knew, then you'd be doing it."

He huffed and dodged a blow from Sakura, "You'll never get Sasuke back fighting like that."

As the blonde was yelling at me I saw a familiar jacket cross on the sidewalk.

"Wow, she's gorgeous." I heard Sakura say, I assumed she was talking about the same girl I was currently looking at.

I myself, had to admit it too. Within the past five years, Mika has grown to become a beautiful woman.

"Kakashi, Lady Hokage wants you to meet in her office." An Anbu had informed me and I nodded, they disappeared as I turned to my students. "Training dismissed."

I teleported to the Hokages office, "Lady Tsunade, you summoned?"

"Ah, Kakashi. Yes. I have a matter to speak with you about." She paused sitting in her office chair. "I'm assigning another sensei to your group."

"I see. Who will be taking my place, my Lady." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Nobody is taking your place, Kakashi. Since returning, Mika Gakuro has become more cold and reserved, showing little emotion to even those she is close to. I'm hoping that by putting her in a group with you, someone she's worked with in the past, she will become less reserved. I'm sure you're well aware of the road she's going down, as you once took that path as well."

"I see. I wonder how she will feel about this decision."

"I will worry about that. As for now, that is all, you're dismissed." I nod and take my leave feeling a slight bump on my shoulder, I turn around to see those icey emotionless blue eyes.

<Mikas POV>

I had been summoned to the Hokage's office. I figured it was for a mission or questions about the intel I had turned in after completing my last mission.

Lost in my train of thought, I bump into someone and turn my head to look at the spikey white hair. "hey, Kakashi."

He smiles with his eyes closed, "Mika! Can't wait to work with you soon!" I raised an eyebrow at him but decided to ignore it before walking into the Hokage's office.

"Mika." She had looked at me with a kind smile.

"Lady Tsunade." I bowed curtly.

"I have some news. You will be joining Team Seven. Alongside Kakashi, you will train Naruto and Sakura when she is not training with me."  I gritted my teeth.

Great a team of brats. I sighed, obviously not happy with the decision. "Yes, Lady Hokage."

I groan walking out as I was dismissed, now needing to blow off some steam. I head to one of the many training fields.

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