Debut Ep 6- Behavior (Jungkook)

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Warning nsfw!!!

Jungkooks pov

It's December again. The house is all decked out for Christmas. Well..decked out meaning we only have a little bit of garland around with what we can afford and a very small tree.

I just don't get why we can't get a bigger tree. We can all pitch in to get it! Jin Hyung said it won't be worth it since we're gonna throw it out when it dies anyways. He told us to start making our Christmas lists. Seven copies. One for each member and one for Santa.

I sit down at the table with the other maknaes and scribble away at my papers.

Jimin peeks over "what are you asking for this year Jungkookie?"

I smile "I really want some Jordan's! I'm asking for two pairs. The red ones and some black ones. I'm also gonna ask for a Mac! I want a computer so so bad!"

Jimin smiles "oh wow! Expensive choices! Only those?"

I shake my head "nope!"

Taehyung smiles "guys do you wanna see mine?"

We look over and smile "yeah! Let's see it Hyung!" I reply

He shows us his list. "Okay so first I asked for some winter clothes cause it's chilly out cause of all the snow! Then I asked for cash to get some songs for my iPod touch! And then I'm asking for some new socks and other clothes! I want a joker action figure too!"

I look at him in disbelief. I mean...I know Taehyung's poor. But not THAT poor. All he's asking for is clothes? He doesn't even care about brands or style?? As long as it's colors he likes?? And a few bucks for songs??

Jimin smiles "That's cool! Wanna see mine now guys?"

I nod "yeah let's see"

Jimin smiles "I want a new leotard for my dance classes at school! The old ones getting kinda tight! Oo! I want a supreme hat! Alsooo I want just clothes and maybe some sunglasses? Also new underwear!"

I look at him in shock.

He looks at me confused "what's wrong jungkook? You've been acting really weird after we told you what we want"

I look away "I mean...I didn't expect you guys to like..choose such lame stuff! Why such cheap things?? Christmas is cool cause you can get really expensive stuff and flex on your friends Yknow? Get the latest gadgets? Not get stupid clothes!"

Taehyung walks off. Jimin looks at me angrily "Jungkook! How could you say something like that? It's rude! So what if we ask for clothes! You know we don't have a lot of money! This list isn't only for Santa! We'll be buying eachother gifts!"

Jimin gets up "You know Taehyungs family doesn't have a lot of money either. You know about him getting bullied for being poor cause of all the times he came back crying from school. Next time try not being such an ass." He sighs and stomps upstairs.

Why are they mad at me?? They're acting like it's the end of the world!!

I grumble and go upstairs to namjoons room. Namjoons the coolest guy I know. Hell understand me!

I go inside and poke his shoulder. He's on his laptop.

"Psst! Hyung!"

He looks over "Jungkook? What's up?"

"I wanna talk to you about something"

He turns his chair towards me "Im all ears"

I sigh " I was making my Christmas list with Jimin and Taehyung Hyung right?"

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