Debut 5- Education (Hoseok)

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Being a Hyung, I have specific duties. One of those is making sure the maknaes are ready for school and driving them when Jin has to go with the other elders to do something group-related.

Even though I'm a Hyung, I'm still young too.
I'm only 18. I should be in my first year of college, but since I debuted, I don't have the time.
Most of it is taken up by group activities like recording, company meetings, dance practice, gym, etc.

My parents strongly believe in what someone's education should be like: a standard college-level education or higher than essential.

Being the son of a teacher is both helpful as it is terrible. My father is an English teacher, so my parents expected both my Noona and my English grades to be an A+ or lowest, a solid A.

If we came home with anything lower, it was a tanning on the behind. I remember returning home from elementary school with a graded spelling quiz. I was happy with my results since I had reached the top of my class! A B+ grade!

Once I showed my Appa, he just pulled up a chair without saying a word and gave me what for. I had to restudy the test over and over. After he was done with me, I memorized the spelling of the words. He called my teacher to request a retake since they believed anything that was not an A was unacceptable.

I have yet to tell my parents that I'm not enrolled in a college or any college courses online.
I don't want them to be disappointed in me. My Noona, Jiwoo, is four years older than me. She's already gotten her bachelor's degree. Yet is aiming higher and applying to law school.

I checked the calendar. Wow! Is it already Eommas birthday? I can't believe it. It feels so soon!

Right now on my idol's salary, I can't afford a big gift. I feel bad for not being able to spoil her. I hope she won't feel insulted if I show up with a simple bouquet and chocolates.

I drive to the corner store and buy her a gift and myself some gas. After all, it is a two hour drive from Seoul to my home, Gwangju.

I call Jin on the phone.

"Hello?" He answers

I smile "ah! Good morning Hyung. Todays my Eommas birthday so I'm driving to gwangju for the day! It's a two hour drive. So I won't be home until late."

"Thank you for letting me know, call me when your on your way home. I don't care how late it is..I just want to know your coming back safely." Jin responds "I gotta go now okay? Thank you again"

I nod and smile "Alright, bye Hyung."

"Tell your eomma I said happy birthday!"

"Will do! Thank you! Bye"

I hang up and get on the road.

At Hoseoks family house

I park my car in the drive way. Ah, I see Jiwoo noona is already here!

I get the gift and ring the doorbell.

Eomma opens the door "hello? Ohhh aigoooo! My baby's home! Come in!" She smiles and kisses my face all over. I smile and hug her "Hi eomma! I missed you so much!"

I take off my shoes and go inside "eomma, these are for you. I'm sorry I couldn't get you something fancy...I'm living off my idol salary which isn't that much." I pout

She pets my head "oh nonsense...I'll appreciate anything you give me. Plus, you showing up and getting to see my baby again is good enough of a present. You don't need to buy me a gift to show eomma you love her"

I smile softly and nod "yes mam"

I go to the dining table, they're having breakfast.

I smile and bow "Hi appa, noona. How have you been?"

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