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On Monday...

The bomb analysis came.

It's not a bomb made from the military but something with new technology and engineering. It can easily be camouflaged and detonated in any place. It has special mirrors on the outside that reflect back. The inside is filled with enough gun powder to start a blazing wildfire. And paired inside of it is also an explosive to start it but the only risk is that it has to be detonated by hand. Someone needs to start it. And that was Hae-In.

But someone got him discharged and I'm going to figure out who it is.

And that's what I did for the whole day but I couldn't figure out what Irene was hiding and Nayeon left suspiciously early. So I asked them to create me a thorough detail of every single thing they can remember they did in the past few months from access to security cameras. I asked Seulgi too since her alibi rests on Irene's.

I got home at around 7 and found Jennie suddenly getting up from the couch and turning the TV off.

"Dinner is on the stove. Goodnight," she says coolly and goes up the stairs.

I watch her with sadness and I hear the shut of her door before I kick off my shoes and go to the kitchen to see that she made some pasta with veggies.

I'm honestly too tired to even eat. I go to the living room and unbutton my shirt completely and pull it out of my pants. I fall into the couch and leave one leg up and one to the ground and close my eyes.


I sit on the bed and bring my knees to my chest.

Jisoo and I haven't spoken properly since our fight.

She didn't come down for dinner on Saturday and just left me alone. She woke up early and went out on Sunday, not coming back until 7.

I tried speaking with her but she just told me that she was tired and couldn't.

I just left her alone. She won't come to me to talk and won't allow me to talk to her either. It's all so frustrating and....i don't know....i just miss Jisoo. The one that I've known until now. I knew being married is a whole big thing and lots of fights and Jisoo and I aren't even truly married so it will be more of a struggle.

And I want to just end this. I don't like holding grudges but she hasn't said anything and I don't want to invade her space again.

I know I'm new to this whole big commitment thing so I'm going to make mistakes. I get angry when I'm provoked and I shouldn't have pushed Jisoo so far when she was already distressed. She just needed to vent and put blame on something. I should do something.

Should I go down now?

She didn't tell me to go away. I walked away before she could even have the chance.

I could try....maybe?

I get up and run down the stairs and I don't see Jisoo anywhere. I search in the living room and find her asleep on the couch.

I stare at her resting beautiful face and I sit on the edge of the sofa. I raise my hand and hold her cheek.

Immediately I press a hand to her abs and hold her body down as her hand holds my wrist tightly and her eyes land on me.

I smirk and rub my thumb over her cheek. "I've been through this many times to understand how to stop you from pinning me down."

I see a genuine smile stretch across her face that makes me feel warm. I didn't realize how much I missed it the past 2 days.

Blind In Love (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now