You let out a sigh. He was right. You really didn't want to put all the pressure on Katniss and Peeta in the tour though.

You leaned into Catos arms. You'd look at them later. You really will.

You could feel your face fall as you remembered Snow. Should you tell Cato about what happened?

You turn to look at Cato nervously. "I need to talk to you."

He seemed to notice your nerves as he then sat up slightly. "What about?"

"Snow came to see me, about Katniss and Peeta..." he seemed to snap up at that. His eyes widening slightly.

"What do you mean?" He spoke seriously, staring at you in concern. His arm loosened around you.

"It's about Katniss and Peeta, he... threatened you and my mom... if they don't perform, and convince him. He said he'd kill you." You frown your fists tightly clenched.

You could hear Cato take a deep breath, his arm tightening around you. "He won't do anything. If he tries I'll kill him first." He snapped.

You both looked at each other for a moment, a weight off your shoulders. "I thought he'd of seen you too. He talked about seeing Katniss though."

Cato seemed to pause thinking. "Maybe he knew you'd be more receptive than me. That ass." He murmured annoyance filling his tone.

As you stare out the window you did your best to relax at the sight of the various greens and yellow colour passing by. As you go into the tunnel you could see Cato was watching out the other window.

The yellow lights inside the tunnel were illuminated. Bouncing off the windows and walls of the tunnel.

Then red. You could feel your eyes widen at the sight of something red. A painting of some kind. A bird.

Above it a broken light flickering and flashing. You sit up looking over your shoulder to try and get a better look as it passes down the windows.

"Did you see that... Cato!" You shake his shoulder slightly, he only groans as he grabs your hands, stopping you from shaking him.

"Do I look like I did?" He mumbles. God damn it Cato.

You only huff as you throw your body back into his side, crossing your arms. He lets out a groan as he rewraps his arm around you.

Suddenly you were out of the tunnel. You could feel your eyes widen at the sight of many cars following alongside the train. It looked like a wasteland in twelve.

The train came to a slamming stop forcing your bodies slightly forward and up off the chairs.
"God Damn it." Cato groaned as the doors opened.


After exiting the train, you , Cato , Finnick and Foie were shifted into a van and were to be driven to the centre of eleven where Katniss and Peeta were waiting.

Foie was almost immediately in a state of disgust at the lack of festivities and many peacekeepers. Clearly she wasn't used to the sight.

Inside the van Foie was still complaining in Finnick ear, who looked like his neck vein was about to burst. You couldn't help the small smile at it.

Cato was sat next to you, drawing small lines with his thumb along your palm as he holds it tightly. Out of everyone here he was the most relaxed, looking almost bored at the journey.

You can't catch me now. (Cato)Where stories live. Discover now