Queen Error part 3

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"Why did you summon me to your chamber?" King asked looking at his absolutely adorable mate sitting on the edge of his bed. Their rooms were connected but they each had their own bed.  Error smiled softly at his alpha.

"I'm pregnant," Error said looking up at King. King just went still but then smiled warmly.

"I will admit that I wanted to wait at least 2 more years I'm happy. Soon I'll get a little princess," King said as he kissed Error's forehead.

"Or prince," Error reminded happily.

"We'll see," King just said hoping for a girl he could spoil rotten. A little princess he could dress up in the most adorable little dresses. King smiled down at Error's stomach happily rubbing it through the clothing Error wore. As time passed Error started to prepare two nurseries—one for a little prince and one for A little princess. Error was 6 months along. He wore clothing that outlined his stomach to show the kingdom in King's domain that their queen was carrying. Not only had King acquired a castle for Error when he took in his omega he also got a whole kingdom with farmers, dukes and everything in between. Error took care of that and it led to the 2 of them having a better life than most other multiversal royals. Error himself was taking care of some of the kingdom's troubles when he felt it. His Alpha was in danger and it was a grave one. 

"Just call Error already," 404 Yelled pissed that King refused to call the strongest fighter in the multiverse.

"He is not in fighting condition," King said.

"Not in fighting condition my ass. I've seen the guy with every bone broken yet he kept on fighting," 404 yelled as he dodged. Who was attacking you may ask. It was Bloodlust. He wanted to fight Error and King had refused. Safe to say that the king didn't take it lightly. 

"Summon Avil, Twoface. I wish for a proper fight and This is rather boring," Bloodlust said as his minions had beaten up Every single one of King's while King was actually holding pretty well against Bloodlust. 

"I told you he can not fight you right now," King said. 

"Nonsense An omega is physically strong even a grave injury will not affect him," Bloodlust said summoning bat swarms to distort King's vision but King used his chains to move them away. King was pushed up against 404 they stood back to back.

"I swear if we lose this fight because of your stubbornness then-" 404 was cut off when they were flooded with bats and then chains that tied the two together. King had more injuries than he would admit but so did Bloodlust.

"Shit," King muttered under his breath as Bloodlust walked over tilting up King's head. King, what's going on? Error asked through their bond. Don't worry everything is- Cut the bullshit king I can tell it's not. You know I can most likely talk our way out of this like I did with Slut when she returned for vengeance. Error said

"All I want is to fight your omega. I'll leave no matter who wins," Bloodlust said.

"King, summon Error," 404 whispered under his breath. Please dear let me help

"Fine if you want him to show up so much," King begrudgingly said opening a wormhole to his home. Enter but if you can't talk your way out of this then I will beat you for this. King warned. Error stepped through the portal seeing the council nightmares gang epic 404, ink, Even King were bound up in chains with bats surrounding them.

"What is going on?" Error asked his voice piercing in a way he had learned could quiet chaos.

"Avil finally. I challenge you to a battle and no one else may interfere," Bloodlust loudly declared as he turned to stare at the pregnant monster. 404 recognised Error who was very much pregnant at the moment something bloodlust had not expected and just stared at.

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