Study group

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Ink looked at what the study group had gathered. It was a complete dataset with AU's created and destroyed. There was the data for every au including its age death date creation date type size and resets. The group was made of blue sci medic classic fell and G. They analyzed the data.

"So what we know is that error destroys young AU's fist or then he targets the bigger AU's. He never attacks originals," Sci started looking at the patterns they had found.

"Okay, I'm going to do an experiment. For the next month, only one AU a day will be created no more. We will see how he reacts," Ink said. The meeting was over but Ink had to wait until tomorrow to create again. He looked at his work in the doodlephere. So many flourishing AUs all equally beautiful and strong. He couldn't understand why Error was doing this and he had spent countless hours trying to find out. That is why he made the study group as sci had called them. To find a pattern in Error's destruction and maybe possible reasons as to why he destroys. Ink looked up at all the copies and then his notes. He had some ideas for AUs that he wanted to do for quite a while but they took a lot of time to make compared to copies. Copies could be done in minutes some even seconds but the ideas he had would at least take a day to complete. The Ink walked over his ideas and decided to take one and make small drawings of the AU he was going to make the scenery. He knew Error was destroying but Ink gave up on stopping him after he broke off every bone in the destroyer's body but Error didn't stop. Ink was still in therapy after that experience. the memory had burned into Ink's soul and he couldn't look at error anymore. Whenever he did would the memory come back and he could not handle it. He would have a panic attack rendering him useless in battle. Ink sighed as he decided to change details to make the scenery more beautiful. He accidentally used the entire day as the rest of the council was fighting Error. Ink fell asleep bent over his drawings. He got up the following day and noticed that someone had covered him with a blanket. He smiled. It was most likely dream who had covered him. He got up stretched and walked to a bathroom. He saw two pieces of paper stuck to his face. One on his cheek and a sticky note on his forehead. He removed the note and read it. It was telling him that there was breakfast at 8 (am). He looked at the clock in the bathroom and saw it was 7(am). He shrugged and removed the drawing on his cheek. He washed off the paint and left. He could start on the AU now and continue after breakfast. The AU was not based on undertale. The building and layout weren't at least but the characters would be. It would be like mafia but with a different plot and layout. This was an Island where everyone lived peacefully but they hated newcomers with a passion because everyone who had ended up on the island had tried to kill them. Ink made it a big and beautiful place it flourished with life and details it held more secrets than any other AU. Ink saw the time and realized it was 20 (8 pm). Ink left and Error entered. He walked in and saw the beauty of the place. He looked around and explored the AU. It wasn't bigger than the other AUs but it was different. A person could walk everywhere there weren't sections of inaccessible land like there were in most other AUs. Error explored. He found the beauty of the place and saw the inhabitants of the AU going on with their lives. He didn't realize that he was crying until the tears dropped from his jaw onto the ground. This place was everything he ever dreamed of but he couldn't stay he couldn't be here. He didn't belong, he never would and no matter how much he wanted never could. The inhabitants would never accept a mass murderer. He knew that. He turned around only to be surrounded by Spears and bones. The Undyne and sans of the AU were ready to fight him but it seemed like they calmed down once they saw his tears. They stared at his scars his cracked skull and mangled bones under the clothing.

"Hey, Buddy who the hell did this to you?" The Undyne asked. Error was surprised they seemed to actually care about the answer.

"You will meet them eventually but don't worry they won't hurt you. They only hurt outcasts," Error said. He was ready for them to hurt him. Especially since they seemed pissed. But that didn't happen they made their weapon disappear but error didn't want to stick around and find out what they were planning. He opened a portal behind him and leaned back. The portal closed just as he had fallen through. He smiled up at the sky of outertale as he lay on the soft dust. He went from one beautiful AU to one of his favourite spots in the multiverse. Error was staring up at the sky sighing. He was worried about ink. the creator had only made one AU today and he would usually make 50 or so. Maybe Ink was sick? Or his creativity shifted into making more detailed AUs whatever the case error didn't mind as long as Ink wasn't dead. Error would never admit it but he loved when Ink created new AUs. He loved exploring them. Error opened a window portal and looked at the new AU. He saw a debate between sans and undyne and the rest of the AU. He learned that the Au was a close-knit community where everyone belongs as long as they were born into it. Outsiders weren't welcome unless they had been through hell and back apparently. Error was shocked when the sans defended him.

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