
43 1 0

Music: Princess Margaret - the Crown

Third person

Alysanne gradually woke up in her bed, surrounded by the familiar comfort of her room in the safety of the palace. Her eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the light of the room. She tries to raises her arm to rub her eyes but a her limbs ached and her head throbbed with pain. The realization that she was safe brought a sense of relief flowing within her, the birds chirps and the delicate sound of the water came to her ears, a small smile formed on her lips. 

I am home

Amber scurried over to her side, noticing her awakening, and immediately informed the guards of the queen's revival, ensuring that the necessary care would be provided. "My queen ou are awake" she pronounces with teary eyes, the healers, alerted by the soldiers swift communication, entered Alysanne's room and hurried to her side. 

Their faces were marked with concern as they assessed the young queen's condition. Gentle hands reached out to check her pulse and examine any visible signs of distress. The air in the room became filled with an air of urgency, hands were roamming over her body, she whimpered under the sudden oppressive arrival. 

Alysanne ask with a hoarse voice, "What happened, where is Thranduil ?", visibly alarmed, Amber quickly takes her hands in hers smiling, "the King is alright, he was the one who brung you back to the healers, we all were so worried for you my Queen" she tells her worriedly.

The young queen's frame mustered with the small bit of energy she had and firmly requested the healers to stop touching her, but despite Alysanne's plea, they continued their assessments, probing and prodding. However, their actions were abruptly halted when the doors burst open, revealing Thranduil in a fit of visible anger his hands crossed behind his back.

 "If anyone dares touching her, their hands will be cut off followed by their heads" his commanding voice echoed through the room, a dangerous warning looming over the healers. The healers hastily retreated, leaving the room under the stern watch of Thranduil, and Amber swiftly closed the doors behind her. The atmosphere in the room shifted, the tension palpable.

Thranduil's initial anger subsided as he approached Alysanne in the room, she immediately retracted under the covers, "you have nothing to fear" he tells her in a stern voice, nevertheless his steps faltered coming to a stop.

"Thranduil where is Valar, where is my coat, did I destroy Dol Guldur, I remember closing my eyes on the saddle but nothing after that" the words were escaping her mouths without her consent. He raises his hand stopping her, "Valar is at the nest, your coat is folded in the cupboard and you did destroy Dol Guldur and we brought you back home" he replied swiflty easing her worriedness, she let out a shaky breathe her head now laying on the pillow.

 A comfortable silence installed in the room, the breeze gently caressed her face, she finnally adressed him in a croaked voice, "I apologize for the destruction", she conveys with disturbed eyes overlooking the large window, observing the clouded sky.

He did not respond, his gaze just contemplated her as if she would dissolve under his watch, she tried again showing her sincerity tearing her eyes away from the window landing on his tall frame, his presence sucks the air of the room, "I really am sorry Thranduil, I just wanted to protect you-" she intended but he cuts her off, "I know, and you were so brave to do so" he tells her in a soft voice.

A small smile drew on her face, avoiding his eyes, the distance between them was heavy. a mixture of remorse and exhaustion evident in her voice, "Alysanne you are hiding things from me" he sighed in a heavy voice, she shifted in the bed, "I am indeed" she replied in a small voice darting her eyes away from him, drawing her attention back on the outside world.

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