The deal

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Music : Transfiguration - John Powell


I stood at the entrance my gaze lost in space, I knew what was about to happen, what I was bound to do. I felt empty, imprisoned into a golden cage, into a deal I never agreed to. I closed my eyes, inhaled sharply, blocked the air in my lungs for a few seconds and slowly expired, feeling my heart rate decreasing slowly. I repeated this multiple times before opening my eyes again. This day marked a new beginning, a new alliance between two realms. The importance of this event produced a colossal amount of stress and tensions for every person involved in this deal. And unfortunatey I was the center of attention today.

Centuries of war could end with this marriage, responsabilities and aspirations were put on my shoulders, I had no second chance, no respite. I let my hand stroke the back of my neck nervously, feeling the sweat, I exhaled a jerky breathing, I suffocated from the stress, the heat within my body, it felt like I was on fire.

I shifted my focus to my dress, I fidgeted with the hem of the gown, a golden fabric with intricate blue threads, it hugged my curves gracefully. The corset was a work of art in itself. Inlaid gems, carefully sewn into the fabric, adorned it in a celestial pattern, but it crushed my ribs and suffocated me, I couldn't breath in it. From my shoulders flowed a long heavy cape that trailed behind me, cascading like a waterfall of royal blue. My wedding dress looked nothing like an Elven wedding gown, it was ostentatious and shiny, it was made for a dragon rider.

As I made my way to the center of the grand hall, where the wedding ceremony would unfold, stress overtook me, and the simple action of breathing became harder. I gripped my father's arm tightly, my nails digging in his vest, the air seemed charged with expectation, and every step I took echoed in the hallowed space. Thousands pair of eyes turned toward me, I swallowed hard avoiding their stares, the assembled crowd hushed in a collective murmur, their gazes filled with curiosity and awe.

I stole quick glances at my father, who walked beside me. His presence brought comfort, a silent anchor in the sea of expectant faces. With each glance, I looked for affirmation in his eyes, a reassurance. The elven people gathered for the wedding ceremony, they all looked upon me with curiously as to see their soon to be Queen.

The wedding took place under the gaze of many high lords, I did not recongnize any faces. It felt wrong to marry without any familiar faces. My gaze locked onto a pair of icy hi blue eyes. We exchanged a long look, the sacrifice we make today served a common interest, the security of our kingdoms. Our alliance will be written down in archives and generations will be protected.

As I approached the ceremonial altar, the hushed whispers gave way to a profound silence and a wave of panic engulfed me. The weight of the ceremonial gown suddenly felt burdensome, and my steps faltered. I felt sick, clutching on my dress, doubt clawing on my face, I hesitated, frozen in the face of the commitment that awaited me, it was my duty, my role for my realm. My heart raced, and the hall seemed to close in around me. I glanced around, desperately seeking an escape. A voice within me screamed to flee, to resist this tide of tradition and opression. I didn't want to proceed, not like this, not now, not ever.

Murmurs of confusion and curiosity rustled through the halls. The elves exchanged multiples suspicous glances as they tried to comprehend the disruption to the scripted ceremony. The whispers seemed to echo the unease I felt, amplifying the internal turmoil that threatens to overwhelm me. As my unexpected pause unfolded, my father watched me with furrowed brows, concern etched upon his features. His eyes, usually warm and composed, reflected a mixture of worry and fatherly distress as the ceremony deviated from its anticipated course.

Run. Now is the moment to Run.

A tall figure stepped forward, a figure I instantly recognized. Thranduil cut through the sea of onlookers with a stern and unyielding expression that betrayed an annoyance at the disruption of the ceremonial flow. In that moment, I only wanted to run as far as possible, flee the elvenking, flee this pathetic ornamented life. The King approached with an imposing stride, I stepped back, like a prey in a cage, my father held my arm and nudged me to advance, but I ripped my arm away from him and in a ragged breathing looked around me anxiously meeting the eyes of many invitees.

The Deal (Thranduil story) LOTRNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ