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Sareena broke into tears when she closed the door for her and Muhibbah could only stare at her while her heart ached as badly as it never did. She did a great job at making sure she kept her tears at bay, because she was never going to satisfy his stupid ego and have him think he had really made it in life when there was more left.

The moment he drove off, he turned to her and burst into a peal of laughter. She had to clench her eyes shut from the agony it pierced into her heart and forced herself to look away because she really couldn't stand him, not even a bit.

She sensed his hand trying to touch her and instantly swatted it away. Turning to give him a stern warning, she had to ignore the look on his face. "I'll have to warn you and I hope there really wouldn't be the need for a second warning. Don't you ever, in your deluded mind think that you can touch me. I might be forced to chopped off whatever part of your body tried to do that. Because at this rate, I really rather me staying at a jail than any other place in the world."

She knew he thought she was just bluffing from the way he broke into laughter again. But she really meant her words. She would rather she stayed in a jail, detained, away from her toxic mother and the man she got married to- than to stay married to him and have let him have his way with her. Some day, she knew he might force himself on her and because he was stronger, without any doubt, Muhibbah knew he would win over her.

"That's quite a scare, lovely wife." He said smugly and she was an inch away from slapping him so had across both cheeks. She knew the moment to do that will come, very soon if she may add.

"But what's going to happen now? Because I'm going to touch you with not just my hand tonight, with my whole body and you'll enjoying it so much to even remember your promise of cutting my body parts off. I promise you, just wait and see." She didn't have to look at him for her to know that he was smiling smugly at her.

She just ignored him as he spoke about all he planned to do to her tonight, so disgusted by the words that came out of his mouth that she nearly puked and turned to strangled him to death. When she saw that they were almost at Hillside royal suites and then she saw a police patrol car parked by the roadside, Muhibbah knew this was her only chance to get away from him unless she wanted to go along with this man.

He must've sensed what she planned on doing because he immediately changed their path and she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs but stayed so calm and acted as if that wasn't her intention. They arrived at the hotel and the gatemen were greeting him in a manner that showed he was a regular there and she felt even more disgusted. She had to pull her Hijab to cover half of her face because she really couldn't.

He parked before he turned to fully look at her. For once, she saw him serious and really to set a few things straight. "Listen to me because this will be the first and last time I'm going to say this to you. We both know the reason I married you isn't because I love you or that I have any intention of staying with you as my wife, right?" He didn't wait for her to show any sign of hearing him because he knew she wouldn't and he continued.

"I married you to steam off the sexual fantasies I've had about you for so long and thank god, I'm finally going to fulfill every desire of mine tonight. And if you think I'm going to divorce you tomorrow? You're wrong, dearest wife, okay? Because I really wouldn't until I've had you enough to get tired of you and then I'll send you back to that poor thing you have as a mother.

"So, I need to set a few things clear to you. You don't show yourself to me unless I'm the one that ask you to come. Don't go anywhere near my phone or any of my personal belongings. Don't ever think that we'll be like those romance dramas and end up falling in love, because we won't. And don't you dare make the mistake of getting pregnant because I'll have it aborted whether you like it or not.

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