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"What do you think I should do now, Bilaal?" She asked with a voice so low it was nearly inaudible and eyes that never seized to water. Her heart was breaking with each breath she took. She really didn't know what to do about this situation and she was afraid of going to meet Mama. She knew she could curse her and nothing could be done about it.

She looked at him with hopeful eyes as though she were. Three years old daughter wanting her father to help her knowing deep down he would and she had no reason to worry. Just that in this situation, she was supposed to be the eldest and most experienced, but Muhibbah lacked knowledge of what to do.

Bilaal sighed as he shook his head. "I don't know, Addah. I really don't." Before she was able to say a word, her phone started to ring anti was Mama's name flashing on the screen broadly.

Before, Muhibbah thought she really got scared and sad whenever she received a call from Mama, not knowing that this was when she was really sad and scared of answering her mother's call. Even though she didn't know exactly what her mother's would be at the moment, she knew they would break her further, whatever words she may choose.

"I can't answer the call," she lamented. Her lips were shaking as she said the words, staring at the phone as though it were an alien.

He handed her the phone when Mama called the second time and Muhibbah knew that it would be better if she picked the call, if not, whatever it was that Mama planned out for her would only intensify if she chose not to. So, with her hands shaking as though she had met the cause of her death, she slid the answer button and turned it into speaker mode, because she had no strength to have it placed onto her ear.

"Muhibbah, where ever you are, get back into this house right now! I know Sareena must've called you, so don't even try to waste my time. You're to follow your husband right now!" From there, Mama ended the call and Muhibbah looked up at him, her tears intensifying.

"What should I do, Bilaal?" She asked again, hopeful that this time he would help her with a solution of what to do. Because she was really out of options. She didn't know what to do, yet she badly needed a way out of this.

"I'm sure you'll meet your father at the house or he's nearby since the nikkah got solemnized there, you can try and talk to him, he might understand." He said, probably hopeful that his words could help.

The mention of 'father' added more agony to her already broken heart. She softly shook her head before she palmed her face, heaving a breath. "We only shared the same mother with Sareena. He's not my father and Mama had him pull out from all my affairs a very long time ago. So he basically have no say whenever it comes to my issues and wouldn't even meld himself into them. He can't and won't be of help to me about this."

He seemed shocked for a moment but didn't ask her about anything or show any emotion more than just the shock. "Then call your father?" He suggested, looking a bit hesitant. "Or he's no longer alive...or you don't have a good relationship with him?" He must've sensed her hesitation before he said those words out and she simply ducked her head down.

She couldn't remember the last time she had spoken to her father. Mama hated it whenever she tried to get close to him or even did as little as called him. Before, she used to call and greet him every Friday, but when Mama noticed that their relationship was getting closer, she sat her down and asked her to choose between the two parents, that she couldn't have it all. And so, Muhibbah decided not to be calling her father unless he was the one that called.

There was even a time he told her that he wanted her to visit him, but Mama blatantly said no and she dared not say otherwise even though she badly wanted to see her father. The last time she did was when she was around 14 years old. All her life, she could count on the times she had seen him on a single hand and there would be a few fingers left.

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