Theres Something In The Woods

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-Inspiration from Stephen King's Blair Witch Project ⚠TW⚠ Describing gore and unholy things

"Alright! Do we have all the supplies we need packed up in the truck?!" Amira shouts out. Mike walks out of the house and replies, "Yup! We pretty much have everything we need." Joey's car pulls up and parks next to the sidewalk. Joey hops out, followed by Bata. In his hand, Joey is holding a box of donuts as he walks up to Amira, Mike, Neo, and Gia. "Is that for us?" Mike asks, licking his lips in anticipation.

After eating breakfast, Amira drove Mike's four-seater truck while Mike played music.

An hour later, Amira asked, "Is this a good spot to set up?" as the truck slowed to a halt. "Sure looks pretty clear for our setup," Joey replied. "I agree," said Bata. They set up camp and, by the time they finished, it was dinner time. "Phew, that took longer than I thought it would be," said Joey. They all sat down by the fire, roasted hotdogs, and for dessert, had s'mores.

After finishing their dinner, they decided to take a walk in the forest. Each of them took a flashlight, and Bata decided to bring an emf. Joey questioned Bata's decision to bring the emf and asked why they needed it. Bata gave the emf to Amira and grabbed a notepad and pen from the folding table. "What do you mean, Joey?" asked Bata. The group fell silent until Bata spoke up again. "Well, we've heard rumors that the forest is haunted, right?" said Bata. Amira chimed in, "We don't know for sure if the forest is haunted. That's why we're exploring it - to uncover its mysteries."

As they continue to walk, Bata takes note of the forest's details. Mike begins to feel paranoid as they venture deeper into the forest, sensing that something or someone may be following him beyond the path, where the darkness seems to be almost solid. Amira is unable to detect any unusual readings on the EMF reader, so she decides to abandon the attempt. As they progress even further into the dark forest, they stumble upon something ominous that suggests they should leave. They come across barefoot human footprints, indicating that they may not be alone after all.

"Look," Amira whispers, afraid of disturbing something in the forest. "Ooh," Bata exclaims, quickly jotting down notes. "What? Oh, ew, is there some homeless person out here?" Mike asks, a disgusted expression spreading across his face as he peers over Amira's shoulder. "I feel like you should've said if there was a homeless person out here," Joey comments on Mike's question about their discovery. "I don't know, but it could be good evidence to help us debunk something," Amira says. Joey takes a photo with his Polaroid camera, a gift from Bata for his 19th birthday. "She's right," Joey agrees. Bata feels a twinge of jealousy that her boyfriend is agreeing with another girl. They continue further into the forest, with darkness slowly enveloping them from behind.

2-3 minutes later Amira stops causing everyone to bump into each other. The footprints fade into animal footprints. "Messed up," Mike says, trying to break the eerie silence, scared something may come if quiet for too long. Mike feels the nerve endings in his stomach respond to stress hormones that the brain releases. This causes his flight or fight response telling the stomach to slow down so more blood can pump to the lungs and muscles. It's like everyone can hear each other's thoughts, exchanging terrified looks. Though almost too scared to move, Amira musters up enough courage to keep going. Joey snaps another picture where the footprints fade into something inhuman.

As they continued walking through the forest, they came across strange symbols sketched onto the trees. Soon after, they stumbled upon voodoo dolls that resembled something straight out of the Blair Witch Project. Joey made sure to snap a picture of each piece of evidence they uncovered as they delved deeper into the forest's eerie heart. As they moved forward, they started to detect a putrid smell which only became stronger as they walked. As if the icy cold night didn't sting their noses enough. Amira followed her nose, which led her to witness something she never wanted to see.

Bata and Joey were documenting a dead animal they had found, with Bata taking notes and Joey taking pictures. Amira was feeling horrified and her gut was telling her to run, but she knew she had to keep her sanity and composure since she felt like the leader of the group. She was aware that whatever was lurking in the cold, solid dark wanted to harm them and make them suffer. If she ran away, the creature would know that she was aware of its presence and attack them more quickly. Mike's comment confirmed that something was with them, and soon after, they heard growling and screeching. Amira's fight or flight mode kicked in, and she decided to run for her life. Her senses were heightened, and she felt like she could see, hear, and feel everything around her. She managed to dodge every obstacle thrown her way.

The creature soon departed, seeing the fire in her eyes if it dared to even land a single breath upon her friends, let's just say things won't be pretty. At camp, everyone was packing up frantically. "We should have enough evidence to show people to not even dare to think about entering this forest. We must leave as quickly as we can, we can't stay past 12. Whatever is in this forest with us wants us to leave.... patient creature..." Amira said in a stern voice. She cares about her friends. She's been through the hardest but prospered from pain. "But, Amira...It's 1?" Bata says in a shaky voice fighting tears. "Joey, how much do you get paid for this job, and will we get paid for helping you?" Mike says, trying to lighten the mood. "I can assure you I get paid a lot for putting my life on the line, and I will pay you guys for putting your lives on the line along with me," Joey says in a calm voice while comforting Bata as she sobs in fear.

"Gia and Neo are unaware of what we've witnessed," Amira reassures everyone that they can be picked up and leave safely. Amira calmly reassured the group in an attempt to ease their panic and help them think more clearly.

At home. "Ugh, where are they? I'm worried sick. I'm going to go pick them up and Neo, don't think you're not being dragged into this. You chose to be our friend, so that means you might have to make sacrifices sometimes, whether they are big or small!" shouted Gia in a frustrated tone.

After picking up Mike, Bata, Joey, and Amira, they quickly packed up their supplies and left. Neo drove Mike's truck while Gia drove her car. Mike demanded a large sum of money for his 'soul almost being sucked out' experience, but luckily Joey and Bata own a company that debunks mysteries and earns a lot of profit from it. They create many stories that become well-known across the earth, and so will this one.

The Deadly Documentary.

Hehe, hopefully, but prolly not because I'm not no famous writer



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