"I want a gym technician." The little fat man reminded tactfully.

Bai Yu was attracted by the conversation between the two fathers and sons, and when he heard this, he glanced at the little fat man and said, "You are too young now, so small that you can't exercise" 〇 "Hmm." Qiu Feng nodded approvingly, "Losing weight is the top priority."

Otherwise, he would almost not be able to hold the little fat man.

The three of them walked into a beef noodle shop one after another, the price was high, and there were several pieces of beef, and the smell was fragrant.

The little fat man sucked a big mouthful, he had a heavy taste, so he poured some chili peppers into it, and then he lowered his head and sent rice noodles to his mouth with a big gulp, and he refused to stop screaming at the spicy tearing.

Bai Yu also put a little chili pepper, tasted a bite of beef powder, and really thought it tasted good, "Mr. Qiu, you told me that you want to bring me to eat delicious food, won't this be it?"

After speaking, Bai Yu was dissatisfied and sent a large mouthful of rice noodles to his mouth, and he also sucked Zhihuan.

He also thought that Qiu Feng was going to take him to a big meal, so he deliberately ate less in the morning, but found that his previous guess was just his wishful thinking.

Qiu Feng, he didn't mean to take himself to a big dinner at all!

The little fat man interjected with a smile, "No lie, Dad told me that he wanted to take me to meet the person I liked, but I didn't expect to see you!"

Bai Yu paused to eat rice noodles, looked sideways at Qiu Feng, whose face was calm and calm, and asked, "Are you going to bring me here to eat something delicious, or are you going to bring me to see your son?"

"The beef noodles in this store are really good, and I know that you happen to be in Linxian, so I said that I will also take you to taste it." Qiu Feng defended, "It just so happened that he was clamoring to eat when he was on a cruise, so I said you were going to come and eat together."

Bai Yu was skeptical, "Really?"

"My conscience is a testament!"

The little fat man drank a big mouthful of noodle soup, wiped his mouth with a sloppy face, and said: "Anyway, I deceived you, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not" 〇 Qiu Feng picked up the beef in his bowl and stuffed it into his son's mouth, and gently warned: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb person" 

 Bai Yu: "... I'm full."

The little fat man chewed the beef slices deliciously, and after swallowing it, he burped and said, "You have eaten a few bites and you are full!"

Qiu Feng looked at the rice noodle bowl that the little fat man was almost at the bottom, his own half bowl of rice noodles, and Bai Yu, who had only eaten a few bites and stopped, and said, "You just fight like this?" "

Bai Yu wiped his mouth with a paper towel, "These things are very calorie-intensive, and rice noodles are difficult to digest, so eat less if you can."

The little fat man reached out and touched Bai Yu's belly, which was flat, and there were six protruding abdominal muscles, and his tone was unconcealably sad, "You have six-pack abdominal muscles, what are you afraid of?"

"I got these six-pack abs after I sweated a lot in the gym, and it was very hard to imagine. And, can you imagine the days when you could only eat chicken breast with chicken heart for more than a month? "

Bai Yu's tone was very melancholy.

The world can only see his six-pack abs, but they can't see how much sweat he has put into these six-pack abs.

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