Since most of the people in the city were heading in that direction, Shao Ci quickly found the place of sacrifice.

It was an open space, densely packed with people.

In the center of the open space, there was a massive crucifix with a bound teenager hanging from it. His head drooped wearily, and long, unkempt black hair veiled his face. His slender, pale hands were pierced by sharp nails, fixed onto the crucifix, surrounded by blood that had turned black.

Amidst the lively cheers around him, Shao Ci felt a chilling coldness. Even standing outside the crowd, this chill remained vivid.

After a moment of hesitation, Shao Ci made up his mind.

Regardless of whether this teenager was an antagonist or not, given the current situation, he only wanted to rescue him.

Shao Ci walked straight toward the scene. Those who had been ignoring him suddenly seemed to notice his presence, casting puzzled and questioning glances at him. Some even tried to physically restrain him.

Of course, these individuals with inferior combat abilities couldn't hinder Shao Ci in the slightest. Before long, he entered the center of the open space.

Approaching the young man, he seemed to stir.

"I'm here to save you," Shao Ci said, reaching out to touch the wounds on the youth's hands. While contemplating how to rescue the teenager, the young man lifted his head.

At that moment, Shao Ci was utterly stunned.

The youth's face was as pale as paper, remarkably beautiful, and his eyes, like red crystals, gazed fixedly at Shao Ci.

That wasn't the biggest point; the biggest point was that he bore a striking resemblance to someone Shao Ci knew.

"Yu-yuvens?" Shao Ci instinctively blurted out that name.

However, the perplexity in the young man's eyes made Shao Ci realize that he was not currently called by that name.

Not only did they share a similar appearance, but the birthplace also aligned. Shao Ci couldn't believe that this youth had no connection to Yuvens.

Initially torn about whether his actions were right, Shao Ci now felt certain – he must save this person.

"Do you even know what you're doing?!" An angry voice resonated from the crowd.

"That guy is the son of a witch, a demon with filthy blood! Are you really going to let him go?"

"Don't waste time talking. This guy must be a heretic too, or how else could he do such terrifying things!"

"Yeah, just sacrifice him too."

Voices like these in the crowd grew louder.

Shao Ci paid no attention, simply extending his hand to summon a protective magic shield around them. He wouldn't care about what these background characters had to say.

"Is it okay..." The youth's voice was somewhat hoarse. "Are you really going to save me? I'm the son of a witch, you know."

"Of course, it's okay. I don't care about things like witches. It's all irrelevant," Shao Ci cautiously observed the nails deeply piercing the youth's wrists, considering how to use magic to minimize the pain for the young man.

Before Shao Ci could use any magic, flames erupted from the crucifix, instantly enveloping the youth. Cheers erupted from the onlookers.

Startled, Shao Ci tried to stop it but found himself unable to reach the other side, as if blocked in a different space.

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