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"I thought that sending you away from here would keep you away from these disputes, but I didn't ask you what you thought." Shao Ci looked at Erek in front of him and knew that he was done for, but he still had to explain! Then he braced himself and continued,"That's why you made such a mistake, but I didn't start out…"

  "Teacher is not wrong." Eric said so immediately.

  Shao Ci was speechless.

"If the teacher hadn't done this, how could I have aroused the strength in my body?" Erek pressed his chest and smiled brightly."How do you know what you have to do to get what you want? I'm fine now."

  It's hopeless!

Shao Ci's expression changed. He turned around and wanted to run, but suddenly something rolled from his arms and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Shao Ci lowered his head to take a look. It was actually the pocket watch he picked up after arriving at this place.

Oh no, if he didn't have this, he wouldn't be able to go back. Shao Ci immediately wanted to pick it up, but Erek was already close. He even reached out his hand first.

Shao Ci's expression twisted for a moment, but he still ran out first. What he saw next stunned him.

The outside was surrounded by demons. Everyone looked muddle-headed and their eyes were vacant, like zombies…If it weren't for their Western fantasy looks, Shao Ci would have thought that he had come to the wrong doomsday set.

Outside this city, it was also surrounded by darkness, and the sky was completely invisible. This place was probably cursed.

  Shao Ci's expression couldn't help but turn ugly.

Is that why this place is cursed? So he can leave now?

When those people saw Shao Ci, they actually came over one by one. Red light flashed in their eyes as if they wanted to catch him. The scene was enough to make anyone's scalp tingle.

Shao Ci subconsciously extended his hand and released a shield to stop these demons. Then, he turned around and happened to face Erek, who was slowly walking out.

There was no doubt that Erek was very clear that Shao Ci could not leave, which was why he looked so relaxed.

"You did all this." Shao Ci didn't have any doubts because he was already certain.

"Yes. Teacher, you guessed right. Because my power caused the plague." Erek said," That's why they all want to live. They don't want to die like this…Under such circumstances, as long as I give them a hint, their power will become part of my plan."

  Shao Ci was speechless.

"Now that this place has been completely separated from the outside world, no one can think of leaving easily, but in return…they no longer have to worry about their own death."

"Yes," he said,"but they will never be able to do it again until the day they die."

"Of course, teacher, you are the same. Please forgive my offence." Erek looked over again."As long as the teacher stays with me, I won't do anything."

If it was before, Shao Ci might have pretended to be fake, but in this situation, if he said anything soft, he would probably be affected by the curse's power and be directly involved.

In that case, he might really have to stay in this space-time. Shao Ci would definitely not let such a thing happen.

"Even if you say so, I won't stay." Then he asked coldly,"What do you want to do?"

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