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Shao Ci was momentarily startled and then remembered that this was just a game so it shouldn't matter...

Afterward, Kevin walked step by step towards the second floor, with bloodstains on his body. However, he seemed completely indifferent, still wearing a faint smile.

Shao Ci and Xu Xue subconsciously took a few steps back, both wondering if coming back here was a mistake.

But the key was still in Kevin's hands!

As Kevin approached Shao Ci, he looked at him and softly said, "You seem quite frightened..."

Shao Ci: "..."

Kevin wiped the blood off his face, looking somewhat apologetic, "Ah, I must have scared you just now."

"...!" Shao Ci.

"But now I've dealt with that person, so there's no more danger. Don't worry," Kevin smiled.

Shao Ci: "..." Clearly, you're the more dangerous one!

Xu Xue quickly calmed down. After all, this game had all kinds of people, as long as the person wasn't possessed. He directly said, "Since Alan is dead, there's nothing we can do. Now, we should find where the secret room is."

Shao Ci couldn't help but admire Xu Xue's calmness.

"Well..." Kevin took out a piece of paper from his pocket and said, "Take a look."

On this paper was the map of the second floor, with a particular room circled in red, appearing to be a study.

The secret room in the study is quite a conventional setup...

"Where did you get this?" Xu Xue asked with suspicion.

"I got it from the ground where the statue was standing after solving it." Kevin's tone was particularly casual.

Shao Ci: "What about the statue..." Wasn't it challenging to deal with? And before, it seemed useless to shoot at it. Why does it now seem much easier?

Xu Xue clearly shared this doubt, and Kevin explained, "That's because we hadn't found the weak point of the statue back then. It's quite easy to solve once you attack its eyes."

After his explanation, the two of them felt relieved. In general games, it's rare to encounter monsters that are too difficult to deal with. Kevin's words made sense.

Then, the trio proceeded towards the study. It was quiet along the way, given what had happened earlier. Having a casual chat now would be quite strange.

Xu Xue had some doubts. Kevin was able to kill Alan, showing considerable strength. How could such a person have not appeared before?

No, it's not that there was no impression... Xu Xue looked at Kevin's back and suddenly remembered something.

It was several years ago. At that time, there was an extremely powerful young man—excellent appearance, strong psychic abilities, and apparently, an excellent background.

Such a perfect person naturally gained high popularity, comparable to Eut at that time.

However, this outstanding individual quickly met a tragic accident.

He died in a game level.

Yes, while this game could enhance one's psychic abilities, it came with associated risks. Some people would suddenly die during the game, and no one could figure out the reasons for their deaths. Even the cause of death had no relation to the intensity of the game level. They just died suddenly.

However, compared to the growth of psychic abilities, this threat was negligible. Moreover, such incidents were extremely rare, with a probability equivalent to one in a hundred million people. Naturally, this wouldn't lead to the closure of the game for this reason.

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