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Shao Ci turned abruptly, only to find Xu Xue behind him, wearing a familiar smile—the same one he had seen on Kevin.

Without a second thought, Shao Ci shoved him away. "You..." Reflecting on the situation, Xu Xue must have been possessed right after teleporting, perhaps even kicked out of the dungeon. Ahhhh.

Could he really be the sole survivor in this nightmarish scenario?!

The other puppets cocked their heads, fixating their hollow gazes on Shao Ci.

Under the intense scrutiny, Shao Ci couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine. He uttered, "...If you're plotting something, just get on with it... There's no point in trying to be so unsettling..."

In the next heartbeat, a puppet approached, locking eyes with Shao Ci. Unexpectedly, it reached for his hand, gently guiding it to rest against its lifeless cheek. In a soft, haunting tone, it asked, "Do you like this face?"

Like it? If you were to delve into Shao Ci's mind, the answer would undoubtedly be a resounding yes.

What's the harm in that? He's merely a connoisseur of captivating faces. It's perfectly reasonable to be drawn to an aesthetically pleasing countenance.

Oh, the situation was getting out of hand!

However, Shao Ci couldn't bring himself to say those words aloud. Who knew what might happen if he uttered such things? He could only stammer, "...I don't like it."

The puppet's expression darkened instantly. "In that case, this face is useless."

Shao Ci: "!!" Wait a minute...

The puppet drew a small knife and ruthlessly slashed across its own face, adding a gash to its once-beautiful visage. Blood splattered onto Shao Ci's cheek.

Shao Ci: "..." Was it really necessary to be so violent?

Soon, another puppet approached, speaking softly, "And what about this face?" Without waiting for Shao Ci's response, more puppets gathered, showcasing their aesthetically pleasing but eerily vacant faces. Under their scrutinizing gazes and relentless questions, Shao Ci felt  overwhelmed.  Attempting to escape, he suddenly found his leg held in a firm grip, causing him to fall to the ground.

If someone had asked Shao Ci beforehand how he'd feel about being surrounded and pushed down by dozens of stunningly beautiful figures, his response would have been, "Get lost." And that's exactly what he thought now.

Shao Ci desperately tried to stand up. However, he was firmly held and, from behind, cold hands began unbuttoning his clothes, one button at a time.

Each touch of those icy fingers against his skin sent shivers down Shao Ci's spine. He had lost count of how many hands were now exploring his body.

Struggling to break free, Shao Ci's feeble body was no match for the strength restraining him. His clothes were torn and tattered. Subsequently, a puppet embraced Shao Ci's upper body while another puppet kissed the back of his neck. His sensitive waist was licked and teased, leaving him utterly vulnerable.

Shao Ci could even feel the cold yet soft tongue touching his skin, an unusual sensation spreading from his waist, making him feel both tingling and numb.

"No... wait...!" Shao Ci struggled for a while, but apart from exhausting himself further, he achieved nothing. He leaned against one puppet, panting heavily, while that puppet lowered its head to kiss him.

The puppets on either side didn't lag behind. They kissed Shao Ci's fingertips and wrists, leaving him feeling like he was about to turn into an ice block...

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