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A ping-sound woke him up from his slumber. Groaning, he shifted to his side and blinked as his phone lit up.
"Yo you awake?"
Eli smiled. The one normal thing in the world. Nolah.
"Yeah what's up?" He texted back and shuffled into a more comfortable position. Or as comfortable as laying on your back with two pillows folded awkwardly can be.
"Can we meet? I need to talk.."
Eli sat up. A million questions ran through his head. And a million results responded. His heart beating rapidly as he thought about what's happened.
"Usual place, I'll be there in 5" he responded and sifted through old laundry to find something half wearable. Then he resulted in a old black hoodie too big for his small twig of a body and sweatpants with heart patterns on them. He almost ripped his own door open as he hurried to the main entrance. In the blur of rush, he noted his parents giving him a odd look though he didn't pay them attention. Dont poke the bear. He hurried down the staircase when something made him loose his balance. Fumbling, he extended his arms to be met with cold, powdery snow. Lost for breath, he gasped the cold air in. Breath. It's okay, he's not hurt. He can't be. They'd known each others since he was 15. It wasn't like he could get hurt either. He was THE NOLAH. The guy who could get through anything. Eli shakily pushed himself off the ground and sat down on the old staircase, untouched by the snow, shadowed by a small roof of the front porch.
He jumped up to see Nolah walking towards him, hands pocketed in a thick winter coat as his long dark hair swayed in the wind.
"You still keep your hair tied up huh?" Eli teased as he patted the empty staircase space next to him. Nolah chuckled though his cheeks seemed a little rosy red. He did always like roses.
"What can I say? I like my hair long" Nolah replied and leaned back, gazing up at the stars above them. Eli smiled. The flowery field of stars always shone spite their existence being mere seconds away from withering into nothingness. It was crazy to think they were thousands of miles away, maybe even already dead by the point we see them. Science was weird.
"So.. I finally ran away from home" Nolahs words broke his gaze away from the stars to watch Nolah return his gaze, awaiting a response. He couldn't quite read his expression. He was always like that. Kinda empty behind the eyes even if he was smiling like he was enjoying himself.
"Dude I'm happy for you.." Eli replied nodding cheerfully.
"Thanks.." Nolah half heartedly smiled and looked at the empty street before them. His gaze darkened.
"Though I still regret not giving my dad a taste of his medicine.."
Eli groaned.
"I'd do it myself but I don't work out enough to take him on.." Eli mumbled as he rubbed his hands together. It was cold outside still. Nolah chuckled.
"Weakling" He jokingly replied and punched his shoulder.
"Says you.. you could never take me on" Eli replied annoyed though he did feel better being bullied in that way by the boy he.. he shook his head and looked away as he felt his cheeks burn.
"Living alone still sucks though.." Nolah continued oblivious to his effect on Eli.
"Home feels so empty without the constant sound of the Tv or the drunken rambling of my father.." Nolah admitted as he gazed up. His expression had shifted from that dark weary look he always had to something more.. off.
"I almost jump at every sound that god damn house makes cause it's so quiet there now.."
Eli nods solemnly.
"Anyways I'm rambling on.. what about you.. have you.. you know..?" He shifted his gaze and motioned up and down at Eli. Eli shook his head and buried his face in his hands as he thought about the time he'd sat his parents down to talk about it. He could still remember his father trying to explain that he was confused. That his trauma was why he felt this way. It'd replay every so often like a alarm that brings him back to reality.
"I can't bring myself to do it.." Eli replied, his throat feeling dry as he spoke.
"Every time I try.. I just end up agreeing wishing the conversation to be over so I wouldn't have to deal with potentially being hated.."
Nolah sighed.
"Oh fuck them. What do they know? It's not like they've lived in your body for any amount of time.." He angrily replied and kicked into the snow. It floated for a little before it settled, leaving a small hole shaped like a shoe.
"Yeah but they've lived longer then me.." Eli mumbled. Ugh his own words sounded like his fathers. It made him shudder with discomfort.
"Anyways, once you have enough money, we can always just live together.. right? Like we always dreamt of" Nolah said in a cheerful tone, like he always did when Eli was bothered by something. Somehow, it always worked.
"Yeah.. that'd be nice.." Eli replied, his throat suddenly chocking up.
"I still miss you.." Nolahs soft voice spoke almost into his ear. Eli felt a tear slowly form in the crook of his eye. We used to count the stars. Talk for hours a day. You were like a part of me had broken off at birth and reformed into a whole person. It's not fair. It's not fair that the only thing that brought me joy.. he closed his eyes, feeling the fear trail down his cheek. It left a salty taste in his mouth.
"I miss you too Nolah.." He murmured into the air. The morning sun was settling on the buried houses. He didn't expect any lights to brighten the windows though. This street had been abounded since the train incident. He pushed himself off the staircase and brushed snowflakes off his sweatpants. His heart was beating, pounding so hard he could basically hear it. He wiped another tear off his eye and glanced at the spot next to him. The empty staircase greeted him, crooked with creeks from the old wood itd been built off. In the summer, the flower beds would be filled with roses of all colours. Eli always attempted to man up to pick one and hand it to Nolah but he just never could. Not till that late December night. And not to.. him.
"I miss you too.." He mumbled to no one. Solemnly, he walked off.

~Authors note
This was written as a.. ig kind of comfort because of someone close to me. Nolah was actually based off them. I hope this isn't too off the usual creepy stuff I write. Though I do enjoy writing this kind of stuff as well.

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