"You can't ask her can you?" Percy wouldn't stop. "When was the last time she talked to you?"

"Lora, Grover." She turned to them again.

"I don't know why you keep pulling them into this. They're on my side." Percy assumed.

"What makes you think that?"

"He's my protector, it's his job." He gestured to grover, then to Alora. "And she's my friend, she's going to agree with me."

"He was my protector first." Annabeth spat out.

"First?" Percy turned to grover. "What do you mean first?"

"Very exciting, getting to walk in Uncle Ferdinand's footsteps." Grover tried to change the subject. "Next best thing to getting to talk to him again."

"Grover," Alora shook her head at him trying to escape it again.

"And I have known Alora since we were in pigtails." Annabeth continued. "Why do you constantly think she will choose you?"

Alora then realised that Annabeth was hurt. Hurt that her supposed best friend kept leaving her for a boy she hardly knew. She felt guilty, but she did have her reasons.

"Because she will." Percy turned to her expectedly. "Right Ally?"

Everyone was now looking at Alora in anticipation. She hated being the voice of reason.

"I don't think that you expecting Percy to automatically be aware of all of this despite only knowing he is a demigod for a few days is unfair." Alora told Annabeth.

"See?" Percy said happily.

"But I agree with Annabeth."

"What?" Percy felt like he had been stabbed in the back. He looked at Alora with betrayal, not knowing why she chose Annabeth over him.

"Asking for help is showing that we weren't capable of doing this." Annabeth smirked at Percy while Alora spoke. "It will make us look weak, and we won't get chosen for anything like this again. We won't get a chance to prove ourselves."

"Why do you need to prove yourself?" Annabeth asked and Alora did not like her tone.

"Annabeth for years everyone at camp has looked down on me. Even you. Even after I killed that fury back there, you still do." Alora was getting angry at this point. "All because my dad isn't an olympian. You all treat me like I don't know what I'm there for and that i don't belong there. Completing this quest can changed that. On top of that i need to prove to my dad that I am worthy of his time, just like any other demigod. So don't question me on what I have to prove because it is far more than you know."

Everyone looked at Alora in shock. She had never spoken like this before to Annabeth, or anyone for that matter.

"And for the love of gods, stop bringing me and grover into your pathetic arguments and get over it."

Silence took over the group. Both Annabeth and Percy went to apologise to Alora but stopped when Grover started sniffing.

"Grover what is it?" Alora was fed up at this point.

"Do you guys smell that?" The satyr asked.

"Grover, seriously."

"I am being serious." He continued to sniff before pausing, stunned. "Hamburgers."

He walked towards the smell and Alora immediately followed, not wanting to be around the other two.

"Grover i thought satyrs were half boy half goat?" Alora asked, scrunching her face in faux confusion.

MY DREAM • percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now