Introduction to the tale

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Why is accepting someone so hard? Why do we have to fight for it?
Why is representation something we hardly see without commotion of complaints? Why do we have to scream for it?

If you are currently reading this, you are a chosen and lucky one. I'm assuming you're a teenager at that.

Hey, have the emotions caught up to you yet? Grief, trauma, heartbreak, anger, revenge, love. I can sure tell you; those all consumed me inside. Turned me into a whole new person.

While you read this, many others and I have been pulled together to recall the tale of our own teenage years and present them, as literature for teenagers like yourself. The struggles aren't easy, and that's something we can both agree on.

As you progress through the story, keep a clear mind and work to pick up the messages we leave for you.
One that's painful to learn, but also true: love could be like poison. You don't know it's there, but it leaves a painful sting in your soul. Even worse, and I've seen it. It can kill you mentally or even physically if it's that strong of a poison. Thank that to the abuser in the relationship, acting like arsenic.
Lastly, if someone comes to you in mental pain? Maybe don't ignore the screams and crying for help. That's a lesson for later.

Remember, fame and glory aren't everything, nor is following the trail of the forces of evil.

We Are SameNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ