Chapter 1: The Golden-Haired Mermaid

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Mermaid Tail by Cryptic_Eyes, All Rights Reserved, © 2015

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Disclaimer: These characters will be as close to the personalities of the original characters, but some moments will be OOC, to fit the story. I hope you enjoy!

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Hello everyone! I am so sorry for the inactivity! But since you all enjoyed my You're Lucy of Fairy Tail, a slight AU in Hiro's world, I thought I'd make another one! This is a dedication to my fan and friend Tiff-chan, also known as emeralddrop here on Wattpad. c': I miss talking with you bb, I hope everything is going fine~ So, I hope you all enjoy! Please, don't forget to leave a comment and vote, I'd very much appreciate it! Do not worry; I still plan to work on Every Heart! Enjoy, minna! <3

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The day was bright, and perfect for a day of play.

At least, that's what Lucy's boredom told her. Plue was racing her at her side, and with a smile on the eighteen year old's face, the water streamed back across her face and through her hair, letting if flow in shining locks down to the base of her tail, where it slightly tickled her scales. Her tail, which she was very much proud of, shimmered in the light of the water seeming to go from yellow, to orange, and back to pink again.

Which was silly, the young mer-girl new. Her tail was just pink, her fins a lighter shade of the same color. It was simply a trick of the lighting. However, Lucy did admit it fit her personality greatly, seeming as it was her favorite color; she had a pink top to cover her breasts to match. It was made of the finest Obsidian silk, practically brand new; Lucy had gotten it ages ago, her escape only a few months in the past at best. Gold bars spun around her upper arms and ended in spirals, and they too were shimmering in the rays of the sunlight that warmed the water around the girl.

"Plue, wait up you silly barnacle!" she called, her white dolphin companion swimming in front of her with yips of excitement.

That wasn't fair, he had chosen one of the fastest animals in the sea to shapeshift into, and leave her behind! She had been one of the fastest swimmers of her people, even faster than her father, Jude. So, to be beat for the first time at her favorite competition was totally unfair.

Lucy couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lungs as she dived in a deep ark before rising through the water, bubbles trailing behind her from her cutting speed. As fast as she possibly could, Lucy barely saw Plue rejoin her side as she flew towards the surface, her smile getting bigger and bigger as she got closer. The sun shined on her face, making her eyes glint in the sunlight. They were brown, but in that moment flashed a magical yellow, something that she had possessed since her birth.

With a yelp of joy, she burst from the water with Plue in hot pursuit, water droplets scattering everywhere as the open sun hit her face directly. Framed by the sun, Lucy's skin gave off the natural glow of being outside everyday, tanned and smooth. The blonde reached for the sky, climbing to twenty feet above the surface, a new record for her. Then with a giggle, gravity took its claim on her, and the mermaid dropped backed into the deep blue. Plue was already there, clicking at her and making a fuss of happiness.

Lucy tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, and then reached over to pet her white dolphin friend. It was just them in this deep blue Obsidian Sea, and that's the way she liked it. She would have been in misery if she'd stayed there much longer.

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