Red Flag

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"Again reading the fanfictions?"

"Umm, yeah. Oh, you. Sorry I didn't notice you."

"No, it's okay. Actually the front seats are occupied can I?"

"Yeah, why not."

It's been a month since this is happening. Maha who is studying in CSE department of DU is being partially stalked by a boy named Nadir. That's what she thinks though she isn't sure about it. She met him in front of university a month ago. That day, he sat beside her in bus while returning home. Then, after a week suddenly he joined in her class as her batchmate, or it would be better to say as her bench mate and the most irritating part is he always look into her phone what's she is watching though is always busy reading BTS fanfictions. Not that she is alone in the university, she has two best friends. First one is Soha in literature department and the other is Humza in Microbiology department. Maha and Soha stays in same apartment while Humza stay in the same building but in different floor. Humza has gone to hometown one month ago, but he is returning today that's why right now she is chatting with him even after noticing the frown on her so-called stalker's face. Humza loves Soha but didn't confess yet though Maha knows about this, and Humza is a brother figure to her whom she loves dearly. She skipped the practical class and went home. Maha is an orphan. Her father died within a month after her birth and her mother died 2 years ago. Since after losing her mother her two friends become her family. Her grandpa had vast property half of which he gave to her instead of her mother that's why her maternal uncles broke all the relations with her after her grandpa's death which was a few years ago. From that property, a certain money comes to her account which she spends for her livelihood. She was skipping stairs to meet Humza who just got down from cab. Humza turned around and see an over excited Maha. He squeezed her cheeks while she side hugged him. They were going to enter building when she noticed Nadir was sitting in a bike looking at her, but she just shrugged it off thinking it as an imagination. 

Humza was going to stay tonight with them as his apartment might be messy. They planned a movie night while they were preparing snacks Maha suddenly shouted.

"My social media account has been hacked and all the boys from my account is blocked moreover I can't login into my account."

It's been quite unusual as Maha don't have many friends also, she doesn't post much then why would anyone hack her account. The trio tried but none could make it right, so they thought to go to repairing shop tomorrow. They were gossiping while watching movie but then suddenly Maha started narrating about Nadir's matter. Humza suspected that guy for this phone matter because in the evening there was a message in his phone STAY AWAY FROM HER. He thought to attend tomorrow's class with Maha. At the end of movie, Maha was going to her room, but she tripped and fall twisting her feet. So, Humza picked her in arms and put her in bed. He gave her medicine after massaging her feet and went out patting her head. But a couple of eyes was glaring at the screen and broke the screen in a few seconds.

The next day, Humza went with Maha saying he wants to explore her lecture. He was supporting her by holding her hand as she had pain in her feet. They were chatting about proposing Soha when a voice interrupted them,

"That's my seat."

Both look behind and saw Nadir standing with a stoic face.

"Actually, today I am going to sit with my girlfriend so can you sit somewhere else.''

Both Nadir and Maha were shocked at Humza's statement but nonetheless Nadir went to a back seat. Maha could feel the intense gaze on her back, but she didn't dare to look behind though Humza noticed the glares Nadir was giving him.

"Why did you lied?'' Maha whispered in Humza's ear as lecture was going.

"It was required. I will tell you at home now give attention to lecture."

Their classes ended welly without any disturbance from Nadir. The trio were sitting in Maha's room right now and Humza explained that Nadir maybe love her or obsessed with her so it's better if she stays at home for someday and from now either Humza or Soha would be with her always. But their attention caught when suddenly Maha's switched off phone started ringing. Humza picked up the phone and put it on loud speaker when a whistle was heard followed by husky voice,

"Babydoll, are you all looking for me? You know I will be soon with you. We will shine in the moonlight together in the end of this year. Don't forget to wait for me."

The call cut. After a moment of silence, Humza said,

"He is indicating about new year which is at tomorrow night. I am booking ticket of bus and you are going to my home. You will be staying there for a while until the mess is clean. Pack your things."

Humza went out of the room for managing everything. Maha was still processing everything but Soha consoled her and helped her to pack things. But the trio was unaware of the fact that a pair of eyes was following their every moves.

Everything is prepared. The bus is at eight pm and it is now 6. Soha will be late tonight so Humza is staying with Maha. But he got a call that one of his close relatives got into an accident, so he has to go to the hospital. Though he didn't want to go but Maha insisted him to visit and return within 1 hour. Humza also left after telling her not to open the door. It has become 5 pm already. The sunset was near when suddenly the doorbell ringed making her flinch and sweat badly. She checked the outside through the hole and found Nadir there with a creepy smile. She back away swallowing her saliva. The banging on door increased making her tense more, she tried to call Humza and Soha, but none was picking. The door lock was at the verge of breaking when she run to the room and hide in the cupboard. She placed hand on her mouth to avoid making any type of sound. She heard the whistle sound again. It was enough to take her breathe away. She was praying to god to save her for this time only.

"Babydoll, come Infront of me. If I found you then the punishment will increase so come to me now. I am waiting for you." 

He again said, "Looks like she already left, no worry I will find her from wherever she went."

And Maha could hear the boots sound going out from her room and the door closing sound. She released a calm breathe and her phone started ringing while showing Humza's name.

             TO BE CONTINUED....

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