Mr. Gentlemans😏

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It was a peaceful winter morning. Sun didn't shine fully, the fogs was covering the glass windows. The nature was cold and peaceful. Winter makes people lazy yet it is loveliest season for many. It's cold breeze, snowfall, gloomy days gives another beautiful look of nature.

Famiya has been peacefully sipping his tea, when a sudden shout make her scream.


"What the hell is this brother? Can't you come a little normally."

"How can I enter some abnormal room in a normal way."


And both siblings pillow fight started though it came to an end by their mother pulling their ears.

"Ahh, mumma pains." Both shouted in unison.

"You pigs, one is in last year of university and other is going to university from today yet both are fighting like buffaloes."

"Mom, first decide if we are pig or buffalo." Fahmid said ignoring his sister's glares but when he noticed his mother red face he ran out of the room while Famiya also slipped into bathroom to get ready.

Famiya get into the car when his brother was going to start.

"Hey, buffalo why did you enter my car."

"First of all, this is brought by my father, so this is also mine and secondly if I am buffalo you are also bullshit. Now start the car Mr. Driver."

The entire journey went by their bickering and pulling each other's leg. When they reached, they meet the other two of Fahmid's group. One of them is Raim who is Fahmid's cousine and the sunshine of the group while the other is Imtiaz who became their friend in university at first day, he is also known as the cold yet gentlemen topper of their university. All of the three is studying in bussiness studies. Imtiaz and Raim is going to take over their father's multinational company while Fahmid has already started his career as a rockstar. Raim is already engaged to Famiya's elder sister who is completing her doctorate's degree in abroad.  Famiya hugged Raim and waved at the other and turned to her to go her classroom after smacking her brother's head. In the hallway he met with a scene where a girl beating the shit out of some boys. She whistles at the scene while the girl looked up. She ran to the girl and said,

"Will you be my friend?"

The girl looked around and point at herself being confused while Famiya nodded her vigorously.

"You are strange because everybody stays away from me. Are you sure you want to be my friend?"

"Yes, I know I am unique. You know I need a strong friend whom I can use to beat my brother. Also, you are so cool. So?" 

Famiya forwarded her hand which she took smilingly.

"Myself, Hamsa and I am first year in English department. You?''

''Woh, we are at the same class. Great now the fun will be unlimited."

"Yes. Now let's go to the class."

After class, Hamsa was walking in the campus when another group started ragging her saying to take Fahmid's number from him. She was going to beat also them when she noticed her father was waving at her. Her father hates all this fighting, so she went to find Fahmid who was chilling with his friends.

"Excuse me who is Fahmid here? I want his number, quickly say." Hamsa asked in sarcastic tone. Fahmid jumped down from his car while other two was enjoying the show.

"Sweetheart, if you wanted my number tell me a little sweetly. Ok, I am forgiving you this time but from next time don't forget to call me baby while asking something also call me at night, I will be free then." Fahmid said while writing the number in her hand.

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