Back to the Modern Era Pt. 2

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"The name of this half-demon was Inuyasha. He wanted the jewel because he wanted to wish to become a full demon. Kikyo always stopped him before he got all that close to the jewel. He never succeeded in stealing the jewel to become a full demon."

"Now what half of a demon was Inuyasha? Inuyasha was half human and half dog demon. Yes, he was half of one of the most powerful and feared demon types to exist. Not only that, his father was in fact Tōga, the Great Dog Demon of the West."

"Inuyasha desperately wanted to be a full demon. What may or may not come as a surprise to some is that he and Kikyo became quite close with how often Inuyasha tried to steal the jewel. Eventually, he stopped trying and came around just to speak with Kikyo."

"Kikyo had managed to convince him to wish to be a full human instead and they could spend their days together. Naraku became aware of this and turned the two against each other. Kikyo thought Inuyasha betrayed her and was going to use the jewel for his own selfish desires. Inuyasha on the other hand thought the same, he thought Kikyo took him for a fool."

"So Inuyasha ended up trying to steal the jewel again. He was nearly successful, but Kikyo stopped him. Since she thought Inuyasha betrayed her, she shot an arrow of sealing at Inuyasha and he was pinned to the sacred tree where he would stay for another 50 years."

"Kikyo was injured and was on the brink of death, so the last thing she ordered was for her body to be burned with the sacred jewel. The sacred jewel was dormant for 50 years and once more appeared in the feudal era 50 years after Kikyo's body was burned with the jewel."

"Inuyasha was in a slumber for those 50 years pinned to the tree. This tree is the same tree that is now the center of my family's shrine. He had been pinned to the sacred tree, whose official name was the Tree of Ages."

"The forest this tree dwelled in became known as Inuyasha's forest. Some time 50 years later, he awoke from his slumber. Someone had come along and was being attacked by a demon more powerful than the average demon any normal human could take on."

"This human freed Inuyasha from the tree. Since this human had freed him, he took care of the demon after them. This human was nothing more than an innocent female villager that was minding her own business and was attacked by a demon."

"What she didn't expect to happen next was that Inuyasha took something that she had. Turns out, in her possession was the shikon jewel that was burned with Kikyo's body. She didn't know what it was, but wasn't expecting it to be stolen."

"Kikyo had a younger sister named Kaede, and she put something called the beads of subjugation on Inuyasha. He couldn't get away because the beads caused him to be sent into the ground with a pulse of energy when a command word was spoken."

"Many different people tried to steal the jewel from the girl. At one point, she shot an arrow at a demon that had flown off with the jewel. The arrow hit the jewel and caused it to shatter and be sent in all different directions."

"Now Inuyasha and the girl had to work together to collect all the shards. Along the way they met 3 other people. They all worked together to find the shards and eventually battle against Naraku."

"They met a monk, whose family had been cursed by Naraku to have a wind tunnel in their right palm. If Naraku wasn't defeated in time, just like his father and grandfather, the monk would be swallowed up by his own wind tunnel. This monk was named Miroku."

"They also met another demon by the name of Shippo. He was a little fox demon. Turns out his father had been killed by two demon brothers. It may seem quite random, like why his dad. As it turns out, Shippo's father had obtained a shard of the shikon jewel."

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