Connected Once More

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Before this chapter starts, I realize I named this chapter after the book, but don't even worry, I still have 25 pages of writing on my google doc, and it's not even near being finidhed, so don't even worry, we still got a lot to go.


"White Tiger, Mastodon, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, Sabertooth Tiger, Inu no Taishō, Tyrannosaurus." As they're transformed, they start fighting the monster. Lord Zedd still doesn't know Kagome's priestess powers are a threat.

He says while looking down at the earth. "What's this, a new ranger? Again? Surely this one isn't a threat. A purple ranger, what threat could she be?" All the while Kagome is thinking, 'I really wish Inuyasha was here, this would be over in an instant.'

Then Tōga begins to speak to her. 'It seems you really miss my son.' 'Yeah, I do, is it that obvious?' 'A bit, but I can say he misses you too, I can see him and watch over him still. All he does is sit by some old well. The well I assume you came from.'

'I can't say for certain, but I've been looking to see if there's a way for you to travel there still.' 'That's nice, well I need to focus on this battle. Talk to you again some other time.' Kagome just wishes to see him one more time. She doesn't care if it's the last, she just wants to see him again.

She knows she has a duty to help the rangers now, but it doesn't stop her desire to see him again. That desire just grows stronger every day. The rangers have formed the MegaTigerZord and have begun fighting the monster. Since Kagome doesn't have her zord yet, she aims her sacred arrow at the monster.

Lord Zedd doesn't understand but thinks nothing of it. Then when she releases the arrow, the monster is destroyed with a simultaneous attack from the rangers. Lord Zedd is baffled. He knows not to underestimate the purple ranger now.

After the battle is over, the rangers decide to return to their respectful homes. When Kagome gets home she begins sketching how Tōga is supposed to look for a zord to be designed. She teleports to the command center to give the sketch to Alpha.

Alpha says, "To summon your zord once we give you the signal it's ready you'll say, 'Zord of the Great Dog Demon' and it'll be there." Kagome says, "Alright, thanks Alpha." With that she teleports back to her room at the Hart residence.

Once she's back at the residence she goes to Kim's room and the two hang out for a while. All is peaceful in Angel Grove for a couple of days. Kagome has been told that her zord has been fully constructed, so she can call on it during the next battle.

Two more days pass by and Zedd decides to send a monster down. The rangers all transform and head over. The normal fight almost beat it, gigantify it, zords, done. Kagome didn't end up calling her zord during this battle.

All the rangers teleport to their respective homes. Kimberly ends up going to Tommy's, and Kagome goes to her room and decides to take a nap and speak with Tōga. She figured out she could speak with him outside of being morphed.

'Hey Tōga, are you here?' 'Yes, did something happen?' 'Nah, just bored.' 'You're the closest thing I have to speaking to my friends from the Feudal Era. I just really miss them.' 'Ok, I think I have a way to help you with that.' 'Huh?'

Then Tōga disappears from her mind. Kagome is really confused as to what happened. Then he comes back and she notices someone else. 'Ugh, dad, where the hell did you bring me?' Kagome recognizes the voice instantly.

She peers closer and all she can say is, 'Inuyasha?' He turns around and he sees Kagome. He still doesn't know what's going on, but he doesn't care right now. He runs over to her and they both embrace one another. Then he finally begins asking questions.

'Kagome, where are we?' 'Uhhh...we're in my mind.' 'Huh?' 'Yeah, uh, so I'm connected to your father's spirit, I'll explain some other time. But yeah, so I guess he brought you here then.' 'Huh...weird.'

'Tell me about it.' 'So, how's life in...what was it again, Tokyo?' 'Yes, it's called Tokyo, but I'm not in Japan right now.' 'Wait, why?' 'I'm in America for a foreign exchange student program.' 'I have no idea what that is' 'Alright you two, I can only keep Inuyasha here for so long since I'm not as directly connected to him as I am you. Say goodbye.'

'Bye Kagome.' 'Goodbye Inuyasha.' With that Inuyasha disappears. Unlucky for him, sango, Miroku, and Shippo were trying to wake him up because they didn't know what was happening. (Quick switch to Inuyasha's world) (Inuyasha will be bold, Sango italics, Miroku italics and bolded, shippo normal)

"What the hell was that for guys?!" "You've been sitting there for a while. Don't you think you should leave the well now, she's not coming back...the pathway closed and you know it did." "Doesn't mean I want to accept it. Besides, if the spirit of my dad can speak to Kagome and bring me to speak to her I believe anything is possible."

"Wait, you communicated with your dad as a spirit?" "That's not the question to be asking Shippo. You spoke with Kagome?" "Yeah, she's in a place called America right now. Apparently it's in the west."

"So, is Kagome doing okay on the other side?" "Yeah, she seemed happy, although I still don't know why she's connected to my dad. She said she'd explain some other time." (Random addition because I thought of something, should Tōga appear, it'll be apostrophes like when speaking with Kagome and in italics, I wanted to put that so it wouldn't be confused with Sango.)

"Well, I do hope she's happy where she is, I really miss her, but I also am very happy with my life with my two girls." (as this was originally on google docs, I've made all my edits and you don't see the errors and typos, but if you saw the amount of typos I had just a second ago, oh my God. Fake nails are the bane of my existence.)

'I think I can help explain.' "Oh, hi dad." "Hello sir." 'Hello to you all, I've come to help explain things a bit.' "Are you going to explain how you're connected to Kagome, because she's not from the feudal era." 'Do not fret, all will be explained. In Kagome's world, they have villains, they're like demons but that's not what they are. So to fight these beasts, they have warriors known as the power rangers.'

"Ok, I'm still a little confused but keep going." 'These are teenagers who have been selected to fight these beasts. Among them is Kagome. She got dragged into it all when she went to the western region. All these warriors are connected to a spirit, all of them being dinosaurs.'

'Since Kagome is from the east though, she has been connected to my spirit as one of the most powerful beings here. With that connection she's able to at least speak to Inuyasha. That's because I'm also connected to Inuyasha, so I'm able to pull him into her mind and they can talk with each other.'

'That is the domain where I dwell, so that's as much as I can do, but it still allows all of you to keep up with her life.' "Wow, thank you for explaining sir." 'It was no problem, I must go now.' With that, Tōga disappears. (Back to Kagome in the modern era.) 

Connected Once More || Inuyasha x Power Rangers fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن