Author's note

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Hello and welcome to Connected Once More!

I just wanted to take this first part to give some extra knowledge.

Some details I explain here won't be specifically explained or shown in the actual story.

mFor example, and mentions of relationships between characters mentioned here may not be shown in the story. 

I'm currently at 20k words on my google doc for this story as I'm typing this author's note.

So some things mentioned here aren't specifically shown in the story.

Omg, not relevant but my cat just jumped into my lap and she's purring, my heart. She literally never does this.

Anyways, if you are actually reading this and haven't skipped it I appreciate it.

So Kagome is currently 17 years old, only a year younger than when she would've originally returned to the feudal era in the final act. Or did it show her return in Yashahime first? It doesn't matter, you get my point.

Some ships not specifically mentioned in the story but I've chosen to include are:

Trini x Jason

Billy x Kat (yes I mean Kat like the Kat that took Kimberly's place, there's been no specific mention of her as of yet, but I will have Kat introduced later in the story, since 20k words isn't long enough)

Aisha x Rocky (haven't gotten to Aisha, Rocky, and Adam yet either, but I will eventually)

Adam x Tanya

and then Zack...Zack is just Zack, I haven't really seen ships for him so idk what to do for him, so he can just be that one friend who's single.

There are mentions of the next ship, but nothing crazy, but there is acknowledgment of a relationship between the two. 

Ofc it's 

Tommy x Kimberly

And we also obviously have 

Inuyasha x Kagome


Rin x Sesshomaru 

I personally don't have too much of an opinion on it but I know some people aren't fond of it. I'm including it because it was in Yashahime and I want Towa and Setsuna to still exist later in the story because the iconic trio needs to be mentioned. 

(Said iconic trio is of course Moroha, Towa, and Setsuna)

Another thing, once I eventually get to Moroha, Towa, and Setsuna, we're pretty much going to scrap the plot of Yashahime. Kagome and Inuyasha won't be stuck in the black pearl and stuff, things like that.

And uh, surprise.

Since Billy is smart smart, somehow he creates a way to time travel so Kagome can go back and forth from the modern era and feudal era. I won't spoil how, but she can do that. This will also work for everyone else eventually, because I still have to write it. This includes the feudal era people, they'll have something that'll make it work for them, I haven't figured that part out yet.

Well, without further ado, I'll let you go read the first official chapter. Have fun reading 2,000+ words.

Also, I know I posted the first chapter, but I think I may update once a week just to give me room to be able to still write more so I can stay ahead of updates.

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