Kagome Meets Bulk and Skull and has Perfect Aim

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'I can't believe I just got to speak to Inuyasha again. It's better than nothing, but I still wish I could actually hug him and see the rest of my friends.' This causes Kagome to shed a single tear. Right then, Kim came back and went to Kagome's room. She saw Kagome crying a little and immediately went to her side. (Kim in bold, Kagome italics.)

"Hey, you okay?" "I got to talk to him Kim, I really got to talk to him." "Talk to who Kagome?" "I got to talk to Inuyasha again Kim, so yes, I'm okay, better than okay even." "That's great, but I still don't really understand." "Don't worry, I don't really understand either."

So for the next hour they just talked to each other and then went their separate ways to do their own thing. After a while, they both get ready for bed while they await for the next morning to come.

The next day, Kagome and Kim walk to school together to get to their first class. The day goes as normal and all the rangers meet at the juice bar. They talk for a bit about anything and then Kim asks Kagome something. (Kim bold, Kagome italics, Billy normal, Jason bold and italic, Trini underlined, Zack underlined and bold, Tommy underlined italic.)

"Hey Kagome." "What's up?" "Have you spoken with, what was his name again, Tōga, about how that worked last night." "No, I haven't." "Wait, what happened last night?" "Yeah, and who's Tōga again?" "Tōga is the name of the great dog demon." "As for last night, I was talking to Tōga in my mind, and then he suddenly disappeared, when he came back he had Inuyasha with him."

"That's the name of the person that you met in the feudal era right." "Yeah that's him. I don't really understand how it worked. I'm still trying to figure that out." "I really miss all my friends, I wish I could see them again." "Well, if there was a way for you to get there before, there's got to be a way to achieve that still." "Well before it was because I had the shikon jewel and was the reincarnation of a priestess from that time."

"Before you mentioned a well, maybe if I studied that well I could figure out something to get you back there." "If you're able to do that Billy, I wouldn't know how to thank you and repay you." "No need for any of that, I just need you to show me that well." "I can do that, it should be 9 am there or so, we need to wait until early tomorrow morning for my family to be asleep."

"Alright, what time should we meet somewhere?" "Meet at the front of the school tomorrow at 6 am." "Alright, I'll be there." "So what's the plan, should this all work out?" "Well, if this works out I was hoping to spend a few days with my friends in that era, I mean you've managed to defeat monsters without me all this time."

"True, as long as you're not gone for too long, and since you share classes with at least one of us every class we can cover for you." "Perfect, I'll probably only be gone for a few days, maybe 3 or 4, you could tell them I was sick I guess."

Then they see Bulk and Skull coming into the juice bar. The rangers already know they're going to be coming over to them so they stop talking. Kagome hasn't met them yet so she is sitting there seeing what they're looking at and why they stopped talking. (Bulk and Skull will be bold, underlined, and italicized. Mainly Bulk will talk so don't worry about Skull.)

"Hey dweebs, looks like we got a party going on over here." "What do you want, Bulk?" "Just seeing what you dweebs are up to now." "Kim, mind explaining." "Sure, that is Bulk, and that one over there is Skull, pretty much the bullies of the school."

"Ok, that makes more sense now. Interesting to see the differences between our two countries." "And what is that supposed to mean? Actually, who are you?" She then starts speaking in Japanese. "Nice to meet you, even though it's not actually that nice, my name is Kagome, a foreign exchange student from Japan."

"Uhhh, someone translate, I don't speak portuguese." "Bulk...that was Japanese." "Same thing." Now she's speaking in English again. "Actually, it's nowhere near the same, Portuguese is spoken in Brazil, which is in South America, Japanese is spoken in Japan, in Asia, in the eastern hemisphere, next to Europe."

"And all I said was 'my name is Kagome, a foreign exchange student from Japan.' except I said it in Japanese." "Whatever, if you're hanging with these people then you're also a dweeb." "Well then, this 'dweeb' or whatever is the first person to be in the foreign exchange program from my school, and was in the archery club." "And why is that important?"

"I keep a bow and arrow on me at all times." She grabs her bow and one of her arrows. "And I'm not afraid to draw this bow." "Yeah right, that doesn't scare me." "Ernie, throw a target in the air." Ernie then goes to grab a target. "Yeah maybe, but I never miss." Kagome draws her bow and Ernie throws a target in the air. Kagome releases the arrow and it hits the target dead center. Not only that, it was fast too.

"Better be careful about what you say to me and my new friends. Otherwise, next time, that arrow might not be aimed at a target." Kagome didn't actually mean these words, she was just trying to intimidate them, and boy did it work like a charm.

(Now both bulk and skull.) "Ma'am yes ma'am." They saluted her when they said that. It's safe to say that they'd be careful around her, and even still after she's gone to Japan in fear that she'll come back for them another time. "Well then, that sure was something." "Yeah, way to go Kagome." "Thanks guys, I didn't actually mean all that of course, but it looks like it worked on intimidating them." "So, what I want to know, is your aim actually that good, or did you get lucky?"

"Oh that, well, where's the fun in just telling you, when I could show you." So the rangers all leave and watch as Kagome sets up a target range. Once she's set it up, she decides she wants to see if any of the rangers have natural talent. She's also curious to see Kim's aim since she uses the power bow.

"Alright, if you're all up for it, everyone pick up a bow and take one shot each at a target. I'm curious to see if any of you have natural talent." So each of the rangers picked up a bow and shot an arrow at the targets. It's safe to say that didn't really work out so well for them.

"Wow, okay, that wasn't exactly what I was expecting. Honestly, I thought Kim would be closer to the center since she uses the power bow. Trini, you actually hit the inner edges of the target, quite the surprise if you ask me."

"Zack, Billy, and Jason, now what I expected were complete misses, but I didn't expect Jason to hit the very outer rings, nor did I expect Zack to not even get an arrow close to the target. Also, Billy, I expected the miss, but at least it's not right next to you like Zack."

"As for you Tommy, not bad, I mean, you hit the stand the target is on so you hit something, but still, good attempt." "Anyways, now I'll show you my aim." Kagome picks up her bow and grabs an arrow from her quiver. She places the arrow in her bow and draws it back. After lining it up she releases the arrow and it hits dead center.

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