Kagome Meets the Rangers

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Then Kagome says, "It was so hard not to tell you since we had been planning this surprise." To that Kim just laughs and then says, "I bet, I'm not sure I would've been able to keep the secret." But Kim knows full well she could keep a secret, since she does keep one. As the pink ranger, she can't tell other people, so she's had to keep this secret for a long time.

Kagome knows that she was lying about not telling Kim the secret too. She knows full well that she kept traveling back to the Feudal era a secret from everyone except her grandpa, mom, and brother. So she knew full well that she could keep a secret. I mean she even kept the secret of having priestess powers from people.

Kimberly says, "Well, let's hope you don't get sick of me then." Kagome just laughs at her statement. Lucky for Kim and Kagome both, Zedd hasn't sent any monsters or putties, so the rangers have been able to relax for a while. As Kagome gets accustomed to living in Angel Grove.

Then, one day when they were out, Zedd sent out some putties. Kagome was unlucky enough to be with them when they started fighting. Tommy told her to get out of there. She starts to run away, but a putty starts following her. The rangers hadn't noticed one get away, so they had no idea what was happening.

Kagome notices the putty, which she knows what it is from the rangers saying it earlier. She sees a stick on the ground. She panics as the putty is coming closer. In a state of sheer hope, she picks up the stick. She begins to think, 'I hope I still have some remnants of spiritual power, please work.' After saying that silent prayer, she whacks the putty with the stick. There's a pulse of energy, and the putty goes flying. 

(skip to 55 seconds for how she hit the putty)

She's relieved to see it worked, but she decides she's going to go pick up a bow and some arrows to keep on her, also looking to get a license to keep it on her at all times. Once she's obtained the bow she goes to check on her friends. When she gets back to the park, she instead sees people in these strange outfits. They're fighting what she'd describe as something like a demon from the feudal era.

Kagome thought it was strange, but she guessed that if it worked on the putty, maybe her spiritual powers would work on this strange monster. So she decided to continue walking on. She hears this monster refer to these people as the power rangers, addressing them by color. As she's walking, what she guessed would be the white ranger, tells her something. He says, "You need to get out of here Ka...Miss, it's dangerous!"

Kagome just ignores him though. He keeps insisting that it's dangerous and she'll get hurt. But again she ignores him. As she's approaching she grabs an arrow from her quiver. She says, "No...I don't run...I choose...to fight!" and with that, she releases the arrow at the monster. Upon the arrow piercing the monster, it causes extreme damage. Unlucky for her though, Zedd gigantifies the monster before it's too late.

After that the rangers call their zords and then form the megatigerzord. Kagome just stands there thinking, 'what the hell, how did that happen?' Then she begins to think to herself, 'How I wish Inuyasha were here, Tetsusaiga would be really useful right about now.' She's just standing to the side as the rangers fight. She manages to break out of her train of thoughts. She grabs another arrow and aims it.

This arrow is going farther, so as she aims, it builds a lot of spiritual power to hit its target. She aims and releases the arrow. The spiritual power builds. It stays true to its target and it hits on its mark. The monster gets obliterated. This leaves the rangers confused and in a daze. They exit the megatigerzord and send the zords back to their docking area. They go over to Kagome and of course ask her questions, because they're not supposed to know who she is.

They ask for her name. She says, "My name is Higurashi Kagome, but you can just call me Kagome." Then they ask about her arrow. She tells them that she's from Japan and lives in a shrine. She tells them that she's something of a priestess so the arrow she shot was infused with spiritual powers.

Then Kagome says, "I'm going to cut this short though. I know you all already knew this." Then The red ranger asks, "What do you mean?" Kagome responds, "Well, the fact that I'm from Japan and that my name is Kagome. Only the Pink and White ranger should know that I used to live in a shrine before coming here." Then the pink ranger says, "What are you implying?"

Kagome responds, "I'm implying that you can drop the act. Your fighting styles and voices already gave it away. People in Japan aren't exactly dumb you know." Still confused, they ask her to elaborate. She says, "I know that you're Tommy, Kimberly, Jason, Trini, Billy, and Zack." With the secret out, Tommy asks, "How did you know for sure?"

Kagome responds, "Like I said, the fighting styles and your voices, but you almost said my name earlier Tommy. The rangers wouldn't know who I was if I just moved here temporarily and they haven't had any fights 'til now. Kim's acrobatic skills also made it easier to identify."

Tommy says, "Alright, let's take her back to the command center and see what Zordon says about all this." So Kagome takes hold of Kimberly and the rangers teleport back to the command center.

Kagome says, "Okay, I've seen some pretty crazy and strange things, but teleportation, c'mon?!" The rangers being curious ask what she means by that. She says, "Uhhh...I'll tell you later, I'd rather not have anyone else hear except you guys. This is something I didn't even tell my friends back in Japan. I think because of what you guys do though, that I can trust nothing will happen."

Zordon then speaks up, "Kagome, it has become aware that you possess spiritual powers like a priestess. Seeming to have enough control over your abilities, you shall assist the rangers in their battles. But since we can't have anyone knowing you know who the rangers are, we will begin developing a ranger suit for you. Until then you will stay away from the battlefield."

They all teleport back to Angel Grove. Billy says he'll get a communicator for her. Kagome asks, "Alright, where is someplace we can go where I can tell you about what I was talking about earlier confidentially?" Tommy says, "We could go to my place, it's me and my uncle living there, but he's rarely around."

So Tommy begins directing the way to his uncle's house, Kim staying right by his side as she's been there before. When they arrive, Tommy calls out to make sure his uncle isn't home. Then they all go sit in the dining room. Kagome thinks about how she's going to start all this then takes a deep breath in before speaking.

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