From the fireplace was an especially loud crackle to be heard, making you flinch slightly out of surprise. Both the man and the woman chuckled slightly, amused by your sudden unpleasantness. After your temporarely moment of shock, you began giggling along with them, giving you the sense of community. You felt like you belong here. Together with the woman who's lap you were laying in, her name yet unknown to you. Together with the man sitting across from you in a big, burgundy red armchair, his identity also being something you had no clue of.

The man started talking to the woman, who began to listen carefully to his words. You, as well, payed attention to what the man had to say yet you couldn't understand even a single word they spoke. Like they spoke in a completely foreign language, a language you had no idea even exsisted to this point. Even the sounds they were making with their mouths were unfamiliar to you.

You listened to their conversation anyway, taking in every sound they made, every word they seemed to speak. It comforted you in a way you couldn't quite understand. Even though you weren't included in their talk and they it didn't sound like they were talking about you, you felt like you were part of everything happening right now. Like you knew everything that was going on even though you didn't even have a clue who these people or yourself were at that matter.

It truly was a strange situation.

The next time you opened your eyes, everything around you was different. Your surroundings were still the same. You were still laying on the same couch you fell asleep on, only that this time there was no lap you could use as a pillow. The fireplace wasn't burning anymore, not even a little spark was still left to see in the charred wood used as fuel. Therefor it was completly dark and silent around the living area. The man who had sat across from you when you drifted off into slumber was also gone, the only evidence of him once being here was the faint, slowly disappearing scent of the pipe he had smoked.

What was gone as well was the quiet, peaceful feeling. It was now replaced by an eerie, unsetteling one, hanging in the air almost like an ominous fog, promising unpleasant events to occur. Not able to stay down, laying on the couch any longer, you raised from the cushions onto your feet, slightly testing out the wooden floor under your bare soles.

Since the fire was out, your surroundings had become colder, much less comforting and welcoming. Carefully, you took a few steps towards the door leading out to an even darker hallway. The floor here wasn't made out of wood anymore. The cold tiles making walking on them with bare feet even more uncomfortable and unenjoyable. Yet you continued your way towards a stair case.

The house you were in seemed to be large, a mansion almost. You began to wonder how you get here. And, most importantly, who you even were. Your own identity was kept a secret from you from the moment you opened your eyes. That made you even more curious about your environment. Could this, perhaps, be unreal? Maybe you weren't in the actual state you would normally be in and therefor had forgotten everything you knew about yourself and others. This whole situation you were currently in just seemed insubstantial.

But if this wasn't reality, what was it instead? A dream? A very realistic one. Or maybe something beyond your imagination? Who knows? Perhaps this all was reality after all and you were just drowsy and confused from your nap. As you reached the end of the stairs, you were greeted by another hallway. The lights in this one weren't turned on either, but there was a cool blue light shining through the windows. Looking out of one of them, you were met with a pale, slightly grey, shining pane. The moon.

You didn't know if it was in your mind or if it was it like that in reality, but the moon seemed bigger than you had expected. And even though it didn't have a face and therefor no expression, you could sense some kind of feeling from this celestial body. It seemed to be sad, mlre than that even. It seemed to pity you. Or someone else. You weren't exactly sure.

He is my liberty. Only him?    (Fyodor x reader x Nikolai)Where stories live. Discover now