12:i hate him

124 9 5

I'm in my room, my body aches after
today, i guess the sergeant is trying to catch me up since I missed two days.

I'm so tired I'm thinking of skipping dinner.

I hear a knock

Y/n:come in

Nara walks in and she smiles

Nara:let's go eat

And before I can protest, she's dragging me out my room.

We make it to the cafeteria and walk to our usual table, i ignore everyone like usual and sit down,

Nara:I'll be right back

A minute later she comes back with food for both of us

She sits down and pushes the food in-front of me

Nara:Eat, the last few days have been hard

I start to eat quietly

Nara:do you want to talk about it

I look and smile gently

Y/n:no, I got a punishment that I deserved, I learnt my lesson and I won't break the rules again

She gives me a sad smile and starts eating her food

Nara:let's eat quick, we have night training

I nod

Time skip
Mr Gim:tonight is going to be all about following orders

He walks towards us

Mr Gim:as you can see the training facility looks the same, in a minute, the lights will go out and thousands of lasers will turn on to create 3d moving shapes, like people or bombs

He looks at us and holds up an object, it's small and black

Mr gim: This is a projector, it will project a picture of someone and float around the room

Mr gim:this will act as our leader and you job is to protect the leader at all costs

He lets go of the object and it stays afloat, then a small image is projected of someone,

Mr gim:don't ask me how it floats, I'm not a scientist

He says

Mr gim: you have 2 minutes to prepare, grab weapons  and form a line again, you may begin when they lasers turn on

He says and walks away, quickly we all go to the wall that holds all weapons,

I pick out a belt of daggers and rap it round my waist, two guns and gun holders and I attach them to the inside of my boots

I quickly go back in line and wait

Nara:I'm actually excited

I turn my head to my left

Nara:we've never done anything like this before, we must be improving a lot if they're making us do this

Y/n:I think they are testing us, to see if they need to make any changes

I say and she gulps

Y/n:you'll be fine

I offer a smile and she smiles back

Nara:we both will

Then the lights turn off and the lasers turns on, they're gold and move round,

They begin to form human figures with weapons

Quickly I'm on alert and look for the leader

I see it in the corner of my eyes while a laser figure is running towards with a spear

I quickly throw a dagger at it and I dissolved into the air


And everyone is now fighting

It feels like it's going on forever and then I see a small bomb created by the laser

I run towards it but before I reach I bump into someone


I ignore him and look for the bomb but I realise it's gone, I look around and see it's under the leader

Jimin realises this too and we're both running towards it

It beeps continuously

Just when we're about to reach it we're surrounded by 3d figures

Me and Jimin go back to back, I pull out a gun and start shooting while Jimin slits their throat with a samurai sword

I quickly run toward the bomb and throw it away

It explodes in the air making the laser figure's disappear.

We're all breathing heavily and then the lights turn back on

Mr Gim comes back inside and we all scramble to get back into line

Mr Gim:Your all dismissed

He says and walks away

I frown and look at nara

Nara:I'm confused

Y/n:me too

Nara:he didn't insult us

Then Jimin comes into the conversation while placing his arm around his sisters shoulder

Jimin:maybe we impressed him

He gives a playing smirk and I laugh

Y/n:he'd die before we ever impress him

I say and quickly regret as I look around the room

Y/n:don't tell anyone I insulted the sergeant,

I panic i think the soldier beating me up

Y/n:I'm gonna get punished again

I put my hands to my face and to start mumbling words like, idiot, to myself

Jimin:calm done

Nara holds my shoulders

Nara:no one is telling anyone

I calm down and apologise and look at Jimin

I realise how handsome he is, his hair, his eyes, his—

Stop it

I hate him

I hate him

The Escape (Enemies to Lovers)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu